Supervising and assessing SIMG
Partial comparability supervision
Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs) who are on the Partial Comparability Placement are required to have a RANZCP-accredited supervisor, who is a Fellow of the College and has completed the 2012 Fellowship Program supervisor training. This training is organised by the Branch Training Committee who can be contacted by referring to the Training contacts web page.
Substantial comparability supervision
SIMGs on the Substantial Comparability Placement are required to have a supervisor who is a Fellow of the College, is an accredited RANZCP supervisor and has completed the additional Substantial Comparability Supervisor training which is over and above RANZCP-accredited supervisor training.
Fellows who are interested in becoming a supervisor for the Substantial Comparability Placement are asked to email the Specialist International Medical Graduate Education team via A nomination form and brief CV needs to be submitted to the Substantial Comparability Assessment Review Panel (SCARP) and if accepted, a teleconference training session is conducted by a member of SCARP on a regular basis.
Substantial Comparability placement supervisor role description [PDF; 162 KB]
Substantial Comparability supervisor nomination form [MS Word; 98KB]
Assessing Case-based Discussions
Fellows who wish to become a Substantial Comparability Assessor for the case-based discussion assessments are also asked to email the Specialist International Medical Graduate Education team via A nomination form and brief CV needs to be submitted to the Substantial Comparability Assessment Review Panel (SCARP) and if accepted, will complete Assessor training by a face-to-face workshop conducted by the SCARP.
The major requirements for Assessor pre-qualification are:
- Fellowship of the RANZCP for a minimum of three (3) years. If you attained Fellowship less than three (3) years previously, but have prior substantive experience in training, education, supervision, and assessment as a member of an overseas College, you may also be eligible, at the discretion of the SCARP.
- An interest in and previous experience in supporting specialist international medical graduate psychiatrists.
- RANZCP general supervisor accreditation.
Substantial Comparability placement assessor role description [PDF; 98 KB]
Substantial Comparability assessor nomination form [MS Word; 98 KB]
National Assessment Panel members
Fellows who wish to become a National Assessment Panel member to conduct the assessment and interview of Specialist International Medical Graduate (SIMG) candidates applying to enter the Specialist Pathway to RANZCP Fellowship are asked to email the Specialist International Medical Graduate Education team via A nomination form and brief CV needs to be submitted to the Committee for Specialist IMG Education (CSIMGE) and if accepted, will complete National Assessment Panel member training at a workshop conducted by a CSIMGE member.
The major requirements for National Assessment Panel member pre-qualification are:
- Fellowship of the RANZCP for a minimum of three years
- Current medical registration with AHPRA
- Expertise in the assessment and/or supervision of local trainees and/or overseas trained specialists, and/or
- Familiarity with RANZCP 2012 Fellowship Program training, supervision or assessments.
National Assessment Panel member role description [PDF; 98 KB]
National Assessment Panel member nomination form [MS Word; 98 KB]