Certificate of Advanced Training in Child and Adolescent psychiatry
Overview of the Certificate
When you specialise in Child and Adolescent psychiatry you will:
- gain clinical work experience in psychiatry training posts
- complete a formal teaching program.
Entry requirements
In addition to the selection requirements for all certificates, you must have:
- completed a minimum of 40 psychotherapy sessions towards the Psychotherapy Written Case (for participants enrolling from August 2024)
- a letter from your psychotherapy supervisor confirming that you have completed these sessions.
Flexibility for the above additional requirements may be granted on a case-by-case basis, at the DOAT’s discretion.
Duration, study and training load
It takes at least 24 months to complete this certificate. You have up to 6 years to complete all of the requirements.
During this time, you will complete:
- 24 months of full-time equivalent training in child and adolescent psychiatry posts
- eight EPAs, 2 per 6-month rotation
- regular workplace-based assessments
- psychotherapy with at least 9 patients / dyads / groups
- final qualitative report
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
For Fellows in Training, please refer to the Guidance for Fellows prepared by the SATCAP Committee.
Clinical work experience
During your training rotations you will work with patients aged 0-18 years. Your experience must include:
- 6 months FTE in a community setting
- 6 months FTE in an inpatient setting (where possible).
Expected competency development during inpatient rotation [PDF; 105 KB]
Alternative Inpatient Experience Guideline [PDF; 121 KB]
Formal education
You must complete a recognised child and adolescent psychiatry teaching program. You may choose a program in consultation with your Director of Advanced Training (DOAT).
Syllabus [PDF; 123 KB]
Learning outcomes and developmental descriptors [PDF; 321 KB]
Assessments and requirements
You complete a range of assessments including EPAs and a final qualitative report. See the full list of assessments and requirements