Honorary Fellowship
Honorary Fellowship of the RANZCP recognises exceptional and prominent contributions to psychiatry and mental health by a person who does not otherwise qualify for Fellowship of the RANZCP.
Who can be nominated?
Honorary Fellowship is awarded to medical practitioners, other health professionals, or community members – either from within Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand or from overseas.
What is an Honorary Fellowship?
Honorary Fellows are recognised as members of the College and are afforded many of the same privileges as Fellows. However, Honorary Fellowship does not qualify a person to practise psychiatry nor use the FRANZCP post-nominals or insignia.
What is Honorary Fellowship awarded for?
Honorary Fellows are expected to have made an exceptional and prominent contribution towards improving the mental health of communities in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, or the Asian or Pacific regions through high quality mental health care, education, leadership or advocacy.
Contributions may include:
- promoting better care and patient outcomes
- increasing public understanding of mental illness
- informing and influencing mental health policy.
How are Honorary Fellowships conferred?
Honorary Fellowship is by nomination only, and is generally capped at two Honorary Fellows per year.
It is conferred by unanimous approval of the RANZCP Board.
Formal awarding of Honorary Fellowship occurs during the College Ceremony at RANZCP Congress. Any costs associated with attending Congress are borne by the recipient.
How do I nominate someone for Honorary Fellowship?
Candidates may be nominated in either of two ways:
1. Proposed by a member of the Board; or
2. Proposed and seconded by any two Fellows of the RANZCP, in the form of a confidential letter to the President via email to president@ranzcp.org.
Nominations should outline in detail the nominee’s exceptional and prominent contribution to psychiatry and/or mental health in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand or the Asian or Pacific regions, directed towards improving the mental health of communities through high quality mental health care, education, leadership or advocacy.
Include with the nomination a detailed CV showing the nominee's biographical details, appointments, and publications.
For more information contact awards@ranzcp.org.