Substantial Comparability Placement
This training placement is for Specialist International Medical Graduates who have been assessed by the RANZCP as substantially comparable.
The placement involves:
- supervised work placement for 12 months full-time equivalent (FTE)
- satisfactory completion of regular Workplace-Based Assessments during the placement period.
This placement is a pathway to Fellowship of the RANZCP.
Your outcome letter
If your experience or training is found to be incomplete as compared with RANZCP training, these additional requirements, usually referred to as ‘gaps in training’ will be listed in your specialist assessment outcome letter. All identified gaps in training must be completed and approved before you can start the Substantial Comparability Placement.
Starting your placement
There are three placement start dates each year. You may choose to start your job earlier while waiting for your placement to begin.
You have 1 year from the date of your outcome letter to enter the country, obtain medical registration and start your job and the placement.
You will only move to a cohort waiting list when a signed and accepted job contract and AHPRA or New Zealand Medical Council registration certificate has been provided to the RANZCP. This ensures that the RANZCP doesn’t hold places for candidates who have not yet moved to Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and/or have not yet gained the required immigration and registration status to work.
Readiness for Substantial Comparability Placement form [PDF; 92 KB]
Applicants who are offered and accept the conditions of the Substantial Comparability Placement will be required to pay a placement fee. Failure to pay the placement fee may cause delay or deferral of the placement.
Orientation period
If you are new to the country, you must start your job at least 3 months before the placement starts in order to complete the required orientation period.
This orientation period ensures that you are familiar with your health service, the health system, the Mental Health Act, and to build a sufficient case load. This time is not inclusive of the 12-month placement period.
Comparability status
You are granted 1 year of comparability status to complete the training and assessment requirements for this placement.
Any extensions beyond 12 months FTE are considered on a case-by-case basis by the Committee for Specialist International Medical Graduate Education (CSIMGE). The maximum time on this pathway is 2 years.
Placement requirements
Your workplace-based assessment requirements are summarised in a handbook.
Substantial comparability WBA handbook [PDF; 200 KB]
You will be issued with an assessment schedule (including assessment due dates) prior to commencing the placement as outlined below.
Stage | Assessment |
Start | 3-month job orientation complete |
2 months | Formative Case-based Discussion Supervisor’s Report 1 |
3 months | Summative Case-based Discussion 1 |
6 months | Summative Case-based Discussion 2 360° Feedback Supervisor’s Report 2 |
9 months | Summative Case-based Discussion 3 |
10 months | Supervisor’s Report 3 |
12 months | Supervisor and Employer End-of-Placement Declaration |
Workplace based assessment forms and tools