CPD while living and working overseas
Completing CPD is a requirement for maintaining your Fellowship of the RANZCP.
While living and working overseas, there are different ways to meet your CPD requirements, depending on the status of your medical registration.
Medical registration status
Practising registration in Australia or an Annual Practising Certificate (APC) in Aotearoa New Zealand.
You are required to complete the RANZCP CPD program and enter your activity into your My CPD record.
Activities completed while overseas may be compatible with your RANZCP program.
Non-practising registration/status in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.
You must complete your local CPD program and provide evidence of your participation annually.
The CPD team will contact you annually, close to the end of the extended reporting period, for evidence of your activity.
In countries where there is not a local formal program, you must complete a self-directed program and write to the Committee for Continuing Professional Development (CCPD) via cpdhelp@ranzcp.org annually, outlining the activity you have undertaken during the year.
No longer registered in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.
In order to maintain FRANZCP, you must complete your local CPD program and provide evidence of your participation annually.
The CPD team will contact you each year, close to the end of the extended reporting period, for evidence of your activity.
In countries where there is no formal program, you must complete a self-directed program that meets the standard set by the RANZCP program and write to the Committee for Continuing Professional Development (CCPD) at cpdhelp@ranzcp.org annually, outlining the activity you have undertaken during the year.
Meeting formal peer review requirements
It is possible to participate in an existing PRG in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand if it meets via teleconference, videoconference or Skype (or similar).
You may set up a new PRG if you are able to meet with at least one other RANZCP Fellow. You may then include other psychiatrists who are not RANZCP Fellows. This new group may meet virtually (i.e. teleconference, videoconference or skype).
Giving or receiving personal or group supervision with a peer psychiatrist/s is another means of meeting the formal peer review requirements.
Giving or receiving formal second opinions is another means of meeting the formal peer review requirements.
Certificates of completion from overseas CPD programs
The CPD program provided by the RANZCP is designed to ensure that Fellows meet the CPD requirements of their registration in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.
Overseas programs are not fully comparable with the RANZCP programs, and therefore do not permit Fellows meet their registration standards if they wish to retain practising registration status in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.
Tel. +61 3 9236 0646 (calling from overseas)
Tel. 1800 337 448 (calling from Australia)
Tel. 0800 443 827 (calling from Aotearoa New Zealand)