I need support
Finding out what works best for you and your wellbeing can be a challenge. There are many ways we can help you and there is no wrong door.
Here are some services and supports to get you started.
Is it an emergency?
If you are at risk of harming yourself or others, you should get help immediately.
- Call 000 in Australia or 111 in New Zealand.
- Visit the emergency department at your nearest hospital.
- Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 in Australia or 0800 543 354 in New Zealand.
Confidential advice is available to all members of the RANZCP. Call or email for support on any issue that affects your physical or mental wellbeing.
1800 941 002 (Australia)
0800 220 728 (New Zealand)
How am I going?
Burnout can occur often in caring professions. Tools such as the British Medical Association’s (BMA) online burnout questionnaire can help you screen yourself for symptoms of burnout.
Complete the BMA burnout questionnaire to identify whether you might be vulnerable to burnout.
To help doctors determine whether they are at risk of fatigue, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) has developed an online fatigue assessment tool. Doctors who use the assessment tool will receive an online assessment of the fatigue risks of their roster. You will need to have a record of your hours to use this tool.
Check if you are at risk of fatigue with the AMA’s fatigue risk assessment tool.
Keeping Yourself Well
Our Keeping Yourself Well guide [PDF; 1MB] offers strategies for psychiatrists and trainees to look after themselves and each other.
Topics include:
- self-care
- stress
- burnout
- working in rural and remote locations
- bullying and harassment
- where to get help.
TEN – The Essentials Network
TEN – The Essentials Network is a website and app that was designed by health professionals for health professionals, providing access to resources and support to manage burnout and maintain good mental health.
Resources can be accessed anonymously. TEN is not funded by Medicare. Your interactions with the service won’t be recorded on ‘My Health Record'. If you're worried about privacy, AHPRA reporting or anything else, see the TEN website FAQs.
Access doctors' health advisory services
Doctors’ health advisory service helplines are available throughout Australia and New Zealand.
These are staffed by doctors with expertise in treating and supporting other doctors and medical students, and can provide you with 24/7 confidential, anonymous assistance over the phone for both health and personal issues.
- Visit the DRS4DRS website for local contacts in your state or territory within Australia.
- Call the Doctors Health Advisory Service on 0800 471 2654 for advice in New Zealand.
Starting a conversation
If you are feeling isolated, are looking to expand your support network, or just want someone to talk to, there are many options available to you.
Peer review groups
If you participate in the RANZCP CPD Program, your peer review group may be a good place to start.
MyCPD - peer review groups [Member log-in required]
Support from a mentor
The RANZCP Mentoring Program is a formal mentoring program organised by the College for trainees and early career psychiatrists.
Mentoring at the RANZCP
Or, for ad-hoc support from a more senior colleague, contact the RANZCP head office or your local Branch/National Office with your request.
Join Hand-n-Hand peer support
Hand-n-Hand offers free, confidential peer support for health professionals in Australia and New Zealand. Group and one-on-one support are available.
Events, peer support and groups to join
- regular events for members run by RANZCP Faculties, Sections and Networks or local offices
- your local Australian rural doctors' association
- Australian Indigenous Doctors' Association
- New Zealand Resident Doctors' Association
- Te ORA (Māori Medical Practitioners Association)
- network groups run by the Mental Health Professionals' Network (Australia)
- Balint groups
- peer support groups run informally in workplaces or other settings (ask around your networks for opportunities to join a group).
Find a psychiatrist
Use our Find a psychiatrist tool to locate professional help. Under the search filter 'Patient Groups' select 'Doctors, psychiatrists or medical students'.
Use your employee assistance program
All Australian and New Zealand hospitals have an employee assistance program (EAP) that offers free, confidential consultations to employees.
Look for the details in your induction pack or staff common area. Otherwise, your hospital’s human resources department can provide them to you.
General helplines, telephone and online counselling
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636
- 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732
- GriefLine 1300 845 745
- MensLine 1300 78 99 78
- QLife 1800 184 527
- Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Addiction issues
- Alcohol and Drug Counselling Online
- Gambling Help Online 1800 858 858
- Quitline 13 78 48
New Zealand
- Lifeline 0800 543 354
- Depression Helpline 0800 111 757
- Shine Domestic Violence Helpline 0508 744 633
- 1737, need to talk? 1737 (free to call or text)
- Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865
Addiction issues
- Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797
- Gambling Helpline 0800 654 655
- Quitline 0800 778 778