Certificate of Advanced Training in Forensic psychiatry
Overview of the Certificate
When you specialise in Forensic psychiatry you will:
- gain clinical work experience in psychiatry training posts
- complete a formal teaching program.
Entry requirements
In addition to the selection requirements for all certificates, you must also have passed one of:
- Psychotherapy Written Case
- Scholarly Project
- Modified Essay Questions and Critical Question exam.
Duration, study and training load
It takes at least 24 months to complete this certificate. You have up to 6 years to complete all of the requirements.
During this time, you will complete:
- 24 months of full-time equivalent training in accredited forensic psychiatry training posts
- eight EPAs, 2 per 6-month rotation
- regular workplace-based assessments
- a research project
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
Clinical work experience
You must undertake 24 months of full-time training in forensic psychiatry training posts, with at least 3 months FTE each of:
- treatment of prisoners or people in remand
- acute inpatient unit in a hospital
- rehabilitation
- community treatment and/or assessment work.
At least 12 months FTE must be working with adults over 18 years old.
You may apply to the Committee to complete up to 12 months FTE of forensic research/medical administration/medical education. The application should detail how the required forensic psychiatry EPAs are to be completed. Trainees are required to maintain clinical currency by spending at least 0.2 FTE (or 1 day per week) in direct clinical work.
Formal education
You must complete a recognised forensic psychiatry teaching program. The course must be at university level and be externally assessed.
Forensic competencies [PDF; 231 KB]
Approved courses
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Behavioural Science (Swinburne University)
Master of Forensic Mental Health (University of New South Wales; Graduate Certificate available)
Graduate Certificate in Forensic Mental Health (Griffith University)
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences, Forensic Mental Health (University of Otago)*
Youth Forensic Psychiatry (The University of Auckland)*
*This program meets 50% of the formal forensic psychiatry teaching program requirements. You can choose to complete both NZ programs or one NZ program and two core units from any of the above three AU approved programs.
Assessments and requirements
You complete a range of assessments including EPAs and a final qualitative report. See the full list of assessments and requirements.