C–L assessments & requirements
Your assessments and requirements to complete the Certificate of Advanced Training in Consultation–Liaison Psychiatry are:
- eight Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), two per 6 month rotation
- one Observed Clinical Activity per 6 month rotation
- mid-rotation and end-of rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs)
- scholarly project or equivalent
- presentation of a scholarly project at a CPD meeting or conference
- 20 case summaries
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
At the end of your certificate you will need to complete a checklist and sign off.
Entrustable Professional Activities
You must attain 8 Stage 3 EPAs, two per 6-month rotation.
At least four consultation–liaison psychiatry EPAs are mandatory for Certificate completion.
Relevant EPAs from other areas of practice can be used to satisfy the remaining EPA requirements of the certificate (subject to approval).
Stage 3 EPA rule reminder: any Fellowship (FELL) EPAs may be attained in any area of practice rotation. Area of practice (AOP) EPAs can only be attained in the relevant area of practice. For example, ST3-POA-AOP-EPA6 may only be attained be attained in a psychiatry of old age rotation.
List of all EPAs for this Certificate [PDF; 121 KB]
Observed Clinical Activity
You must undertake one Observed Clinical Activity (OCA) in each 6-month rotation.
In-training Assessments
You must complete mid-rotation and end-of-rotation ITAs. You must submit an end-of-rotation ITA form via inTrain within 60 days of the completion of a rotation.
Scholarly project
You must undertake and submit a scholarly project of 3000-5000 words in length and present it at a College endorsed meeting or conference.
A successfully completed Fellowship Scholarly Project, or a relevant piece of research that has satisfied the Fellowship Scholarly Project exemption criteria may be used to fulfil this requirement.
A doctoral thesis, research Masters or Honours thesis or an article published within the past 10 years may also be exempt.
You may be exempt from presenting your project if you have had an article accepted for publication in a recognised peer-reviewed English-language journal relevant to consultation–liaison psychiatry, and have previously presented this article at a College endorsed meeting or conference. Evidence of your presentation can be provided by a letter of confirmation from the event organiser.
Scholarly project assessment framework and feedback [PDF; 202 KB]
Case summaries
You must complete 20 case summaries of 300-500 words each. Topics should include:
- emotions and behaviour
- development and adaptation
- somatisation
- brain function and neuropsychiatry
- special populations
- emergency psychiatry
- system issues.
Case summary form [PDF; 173 KB]
Checklist and sign off
You must submit a checklist of all activities for the certificate via inTrain.
Checklist and sign off [PDF; 632 KB]