Family and couples therapy
For this modality, complete all of the following:
12 cases with weekly individual supervision5 (80 hours):
three cases of family therapy: child (at least five sessions each)
three cases of family therapy: adolescent (at least five sessions each)
three cases of family therapy: adult (at least five sessions each)
two cases of couples therapy (at least five sessions each)
one case of longer-term therapy (at least 20 sessions).
Brief vignettes are required at the conclusion of each case addressing: formulation, therapeutic alliance, progress and termination.
20 hours (of the 80 hours required) must be directed observed (‘live’) or co-therapist.
If at least three cases of family and/or couples therapy (of at least five sessions each) are complete, then the Stage 3 Fellowship psychotherapy requirement is considered met.
5For trainees, this psychotherapy supervision is in addition to the clinical supervision (4 hours per week over weeks for full-time trainees) required for Stage 3 of the Fellowship Program.
Family and couples therapy – case summary form [PDF; 173 KB]