Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry
Overview of the Certificate
When you specialise in addiction psychiatry you will:
- gain clinical work experience in addiction psychiatry training posts
- further your understanding of addiction psychiatry by completing a formal education program.
Entry requirements
See the entry requirements for this certificate
Duration, study and training load
It takes at least 24 months of FTE training to complete this certificate. You have up to 6 years to complete all of the requirements.
During this time, you will complete:
- 24 months of full-time equivalent training in addiction psychiatry posts
- 2 EPAs per 6-month rotation
- case summaries
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
Clinical experience
Your training covers these settings and patient groups:
- General hospital drug and alcohol liaison - 6 months FTE training of 2-3 sessions per week (or equivalent)
- Substance use disorders in a specialist treatment setting - 12 months FTE of 2-3 sessions per week (or equivalent)
- Pharmacotherapy for opiate dependence - 12 months FTE in this treatment area, of 2-3 sessions per week (or equivalent)
- Pain unit - 6 months FTE in this setting, of 1-2 sessions per week (or equivalent).
- Co-existing substance use and other psychiatric comorbidity - treat patients with this diagnosis
- Gambling, internet gaming and other behavioural addictions - treat patients experiencing this condition.
Formal education
The Addiction Doctors Education Program is the recommended course for this certificate.
You can apply to complete an alternative course, or a self-directed program in consultation with your Director of Advanced Training.
Curriculum [PDF; 154 KB]
Attendance requirements - formal education
Enrolled after 4 August 2025
If you enrolled in your formal education course after 4 August 2025, you need to achieve at least 75% attendance for the course per calendar year.
If you can't achieve this attendance level, you'll need to submit evidence of extracurricular activities to your Director of Advanced Training to demonstrate a satisfactory level of theoretical knowledge in addiction psychiatry.
Enrolled before 4 August 2025
If you enrolled in your formal education course before 4 August 2025, you need to achieve at least 50% attendance for the course per calendar year, throughout the whole course.
Assessments and requirements
During the certificate you will complete a range of assessments including EPAs and written case summaries. See the full list of assessments and requirements.