Forensic assessments & requirements
Your assessments and requirements to complete the Certificate of Advanced Training in Forensic Psychiatry are:
- eight Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), two per 6 month rotation
- one Observed Clinical Activity per 6 month rotation
- mid-rotation and end-of rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs)
- research project
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
At the end of your Certificate you will need to complete a checklist and sign off.
Entrustable Professional Activities
You must attain 8 Stage 3 forensic psychiatry EPAs, two per 6-month FTE rotation.
- Six EPAs are mandatory.
- Two can be your choice of the remaining eligible EPAs.
Forensic psychiatry EPAs and COE forms [PDF; 289 KB] (combined document)
DOAT guidance on EPA9 and EPA10 [PDF; 99 KB]
Observed Clinical Activity
You must undertake one Observed Clinical Activity (OCA) of a forensic patient in each 6-month rotation.
In-training Assessments
You must complete mid-rotation and end-of-rotation ITAs. You must submit an end-of-rotation ITA form via inTrain within 60 days of the completion of a rotation.
Research project
You must complete a research project and submit it to your Director of Advanced Training (DOAT) for marking.
A successfully completed Fellowship Scholarly Project, or a doctoral thesis, Masters thesis or Honours thesis in a field relevant to psychiatry or mental health or an article published within the past 10 years in a recognised, peer-reviewed English-language journal relevant to psychiatry or mental health that has satisfied the Fellowship Scholarly Project exemption criteria may be used to fulfil this requirement.
Research project guidelines [PDF; 111 KB]
Checklist and sign off
You must submit a checklist of all activities for the certificate via inTrain.
Checklist and sign off [PDF; 602 KB]