NSW psychiatry workforce crisis
The ongoing psychiatry workforce crisis in New South Wales has a significant impact on the College, our members and the wider community.
Our members are deeply committed to providing the best possible care to patients. The long-standing and acute psychiatry workforce shortages in NSW is severely hampering their ability to provide the care that people need urgently.
Role of the RANZCP
The College is engaged in consistent and sustained advocacy – at both local and national levels – for fundamental reform and investment in the mental health system to ensure safe, affordable, and equitable access to mental health care.
The welfare of trainees and specialist international medical graduates, the quality of training and maintenance of training post accreditation standards is of utmost priority to us.
The College is not responsible for, and does not engage in, discussions about pay rates and industrial negotiations.
Impact on training
There are various support options and accommodations available for trainees and SIMGs affected by the resignations of psychiatrists across NSW.
Accommodations for NSW trainees
Trainee ‘Drop-ins’
The College is organising weekly, virtual ‘Drop-ins’ – facilitated by Dr Ava Carter, Board Director and Chair of the Trainees’ Advisory Council – as an opportunity for trainees to ask questions, raise concerns or connect with the College and each other. To know more, email nsw.training@ranzcp.org.

Support for members
Media enquiries: media@ranzcp.org
Enquiries related to training: nsw.training@ranzcp.org
All other enquiries: memberhelp@ranzcp.org