Updated training requirements for NSW registrars affected by staffing disruptions
23 Jan 2025
Trainee news
- NSW workforce crisis
The College is continuing to support trainees affected by the resignations of psychiatrists across New South Wales.
How is training affected?
In some local health districts, the impact of resignations has been minimal, while others have seen higher levels of disruption. The College is working closely with local Directors of Training (DoTs) to respond to the impacts of the resignations. It is important trainees complete their current rotation requirements including workplace-based assessments and end of rotation In-training Assessment, which can be submitted early.
Important points for trainees to note on the supervision of training:
- There must always be clear lines of responsibility to a consultant at all times with the support from an RANZCP accredited supervisor.
- Your supervisor is your first point of contact. They can escalate through the appropriate channels on your behalf.
- If you do not have a supervisor, you should immediately raise this with your DoT, who will address the issue with your workplace, the NSW Branch Training Committee, and the College.
- If you do not have access to a Director of Training, your workplace management (this may be a Director of Clinical Services, Unit Head, or other workplace authority) and the College should be notified. A dedicated college email address has been established for escalation of NSW issues – NSW.training@ranzcp.org
Guideline accommodations for NSW trainees
A flexible set of guideline accommodations have been developed for NSW trainees who experience disruptions due to the staff specialist resignations.
Training Trajectory accommodations
Disruptions that prevent the completion of a rotation
Where dwell time or workplace-based assessment requirements for a rotation, as described in sections 4.5-4.7 of the Progression through training policy, have not been met due to disruptions, the rotation will not be recorded as a ‘fail’ in the trainee’s training record, and will not count towards targeted learning or training review triggers. The trainee record will reflect completed full time equivalent accredited training time and any workplace-based assessments that were undertaken during the period.
Interruptions to training
Any time that a trainee affected by disruptions spends on a break in training or not in training during the first rotation in 2025 will not count towards targeted learning or training review triggers described in the Leave and interruptions to training policy and procedure.
Progression triggers for targeted learning and training review processes
The first rotation of 2025 will not be counted towards progression-based targeted learning or training review triggers described in sections 4.2-4.3 of the Failure to progress policy and procedure. This accommodation will be applied for all NSW trainees.
Rotational time requirements
The CFT will consider, on a case-by-case basis and with the support of the DOT/BTC, approving interruptions to training beyond the maximum six weeks allowed in the Leave and interruptions to training policy and procedure, where the interruption is caused by disruptions during the first rotation of 2025.
Assessment accommodations
Written examinations
Where disruptions cause a trainee to withdraw from the 4 March 2025 enrolment of the Modified Essay Question (MEQ) and/or Critical Essay Question (CEQ) examinations or withdraw from the enrolment for the 21 March MCQ examination, a full refund of the examination fee will be made.
Disrupted trainees who sit for the MEQ or CEQ on 4 March 2025 or the MCQ on the 21 March will not be disadvantaged if their attempt is not successful, i.e. these attempts will not contribute to targeted learning or training review triggers. Evidence of such circumstances and disruptions will be needed.
Psychotherapy Written Case
Where there is a disruption to supervision of the Psychotherapy Written Case sessions, the patient should be involved in any decision to pause the sessions. Trainees should discuss this with their Director of Training or refer the matter to the CFT.
In circumstances where the quality and integrity of the training experience and the therapy itself is not impacted, the CFT will consider a request to cease sessions early.
Assessment submissions
In the first rotation of 2025, trainees may request an extension if disruption has delayed the submission of their Psychotherapy Written Case or Scholarly Project. Requests should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the published deadlines in February and March.
Clinical Competency Assessment – Modified Portfolio Review
Accommodations for the Clinical Competency Assessment – Modified Portfolio Review (CCA-MPR) will be considered as required. Disruptions are unlikely to impact April 2025 submissions, as assessment requirements should already be completed. The longer-term impact of disruptions on September 2025 are yet to be seen.
Accreditation of posts
Removal of accreditation from training posts will be a last resort. While there can be some short-term accommodation for some standards on a case-by-case basis, there are key training post standards that cannot be varied. Standards where the primary aim is ensuring trainee safety and well-being, and patient safety, via appropriate clinical governance cannot be compromised, even for short periods. These are:
3.3 There are adequate processes at institutions or services that assess, monitor, promote and deliver trainee safety, welfare, and well-being in the workplace, specifically 3.3.1 The workload for trainees within each post is such that clinical service delivery does not compromise training and trainee welfare.
5.1 There is adequate provision of supervision within the post, specifically the requirement for one-to-one individual supervision every week with an accredited supervisor, and an additional hour for Stage one trainees.
These standards require a line of clinical responsibility to a nominated consultant for all aspects of training and appropriate supervision by a consultant is required.
There’ll be further communications as the February 2025 rotation commences, providing updates and advice on handling issues that may arise as trainees move into their next post.
Trainee ‘Drop-ins’
The College is organising weekly, virtual ‘Drop-ins’ – facilitated by Dr Ava Carter, Board Director and Chair of the Trainees’ Advisory Council – as an opportunity for trainees to ask questions, raise concerns or connect with the College and each other. To know more, email nsw.training@ranzcp.org.
Where to go for further assistance?
Trainees can contact NSW Trainee Representatives by emailing nsw.bct@ranzcp.org.
The College has also established a dedicated email mailbox NSW.training@ranzcp.org for trainees to send their concerns and issues.
For further support, we encourage you to access your workplace Employee Assistance Program, the RANZCP Member Support Program, or the RANZCP Confidential Member Advice Line.
Doctors Health NSW offers an independent and confidential service that can be accessed over the phone on 02 9437 6552, Doctors' Health Advisory Service - Telephone Help Line to offer personal advice to practitioners and students facing difficulties.
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