Faculty & section awards
Addiction Psychiatry Prize
The Addiction Psychiatry Prize is an annual prize awarded to a Trainee, or a Fellow who has achieved the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry within the 12 months prior to the application deadline.
Adler Nurcombe Trainee Prize
The Prize is awarded to an Advanced Trainee in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and/or Forensic Psychiatry for the most outstanding paper or poster presented at the Section of Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry Conference.
Connell Werry Prize
The Prize is awarded to an Advanced Trainee in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the most outstanding paper or poster presented at the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry conference.
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Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Advanced Trainee Abstract Prize
This prize is awarded to a trainee in consultation–liaison psychiatry for the best oral, rapid fire or poster presentation made at the Faculty of Consultation–Liaison Psychiatry conference.
Howard Cooper Travelling Fellowship
The Howard Cooper Travelling Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is made annually to a visiting overseas trainee psychiatrist or psychiatrist from the Asia-Pacific region who wishes to gain experience in child and adolescent psychiatry in Australia or New Zealand.
Medlicott Award
The Medlicott Award is designed to encourage achievements and excellence in research in Forensic Psychiatry by Advanced Trainees in Forensic Psychiatry, or Fellows who have recently attained the Advanced Certificate in Forensic Psychiatry.
Pat, Toni and Peter Kinsman Research Scholarship
This Scholarship supports and encourages research into postnatal depression in women in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Psychiatry of Old Age Prize for Best Mental Health Service Improvement
This prize is open to all mental health services for improvements focused upon the needs of people with mental illness who are older.
Psychiatry of Old Age Trainee Prize for Scholarly Project
This prize is awarded to a current or recent Advanced Trainee in Psychiatry of Old Age, for meritorious research in the field.
Psychiatry of Old Age Trainee Prize
This prize recognises originality, scientific merit and contribution to the knowledge base of Psychiatry of Old Age by a psychiatry trainee.
Psychotherapy Essay Prize
This Prize recognises the best essay submitted by a psychiatry trainee or recent Fellow on a psychotherapy topic.
Psychotherapy Research Award
This Award funds and encourages research in psychotherapy by psychiatry trainees and recent Fellows in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Rural Research Award
The RANZCP Rural Research Award is an annual prize awarded to a Trainee or Fellow who has recently obtained Fellowship within the 12 months prior to the application deadline.
Youth Mental Health Excellence Award
The Section of Youth Mental Health Excellence Award is presented to a RANZCP psychiatry trainee or psychiatrist for outstanding contributions to advancement of Youth Mental Health within Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand (via clinical, research, service delivery or health promotion activities).