The Margaret Tobin Award
Named in honour of the late Dr Margaret Tobin, this award is made to the RANZCP Fellow who has made the most significant contribution to administrative psychiatry in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand over the preceding five years. The recipient is invited to present the ‘Margaret Tobin Oration’, a keynote address within the RANZCP Annual Congress program.
Eligibility criteria
The Award is made to an RANZCP Fellow who has made the most significant contribution to administrative psychiatry, working predominantly in the area of mental health in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand over the preceding five years.
Previous recipients of the Award will not be eligible to receive the Award on a further occasion within a period of five years from the year of the previous Award.
Application/nomination process
Applications for the Award may be made by Fellows on their own behalf, or nominations may be made by colleagues. There is no application form for the Award. Applications / nominations must be in writing and include a statement of the nature of the involvement of the nominee in administrative psychiatry, a list of their achievements, and may also include letters of support from appropriate persons.
Key dates
Submissions are open annually, from 1 September to 31 October (11.59 pm AEDT).
More information on the Margaret Tobin Award [PDF; 98KB]
Recipients of the Margaret Tobin Award