Certificate of Advanced Training in Adult psychiatry
Overview of the Certificate
When you specialise in adult psychiatry you will:
- gain clinical work experience in adult psychiatry training posts
- complete a formal teaching program.
Entry requirements
See the entry requirements for this certificate
Duration, study and training load
It takes at least 24 months to complete this certificate. You have up to 6 years to complete all of the requirements.
During this time you will complete:
- 24 months of full-time equivalent training in adult psychiatry posts
- eight EPAs, 2 per 6-month rotation
- regular workplace-based assessments
- psychotherapy with at least 4 patients
- participate in two committees or planning groups
- case formulations
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
Clinical work experience
You must undertake 24 months of full-time training in accredited adult psychiatry training posts.
Subject to approval, up to 6 months FTE can be spent in another clinical area of practice or in teaching or medical administration, provided the training experience relates to adults.
Up to 12 months FTE of research can be prospectively approved on a case-by-case basis.
Formal education
You must complete a recognised adult psychiatry teaching program.
If a suitable program is available in your region, you are required to attend. If not, you must complete self-directed learning in program developed in consultation with your Director of Advanced Training (DOAT).
Syllabus guideline [PDF; 173 KB]
Curriculum [PDF; 121 KB]
Assessments and requirements
You complete a range of assessments including EPAs and case formulations. See the full list of assessments and requirements.