Rural psychiatry
Working across a range of clinical, administrative, leadership and educational settings, rural psychiatry demands a breadth of knowledge and an expert generalist skill set to meet the demands of regional, rural and remote communities.
Use this page to discover opportunities to work and train in rural areas, as well as support options from the RANZCP and other organisations.
About rural psychiatry
Psychiatric practice, day-to-day issues, rural health systems and communities.
Rural psychiatry roadmap
The RANZCP Rural Psychiatry Roadmap, purpose designed to deliver the RANZCP Fellowship Program in rural locations.
Working as a rural psychiatrist
Staying well, funding options, telehealth, job listings, support organisations and research.
Training in a rural area
Training post lists, RANZCP rural psychiatry roadmap, webinars and orientation information.
RANZCP Section of Rural Psychiatry
Join the College's dedicated group for anyone with an interest in rural psychiatry.