Affiliate membership
Why become an Affiliate member?
Becoming an Affiliate member formalises and strengthens your relationship with the RANZCP – the peak body for psychiatrists in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
As an Affiliate member, you will benefit from the educational opportunities, advocacy, projects and development work the College undertakes. We also offer specialised support services aimed at overseas-trained psychiatrists.
The range of exclusive benefits and entitlements includes:
- enrolment in the RANZCP CPD Program
- membership of Faculties, Sections, Networks and Special Interest Groups
- opportunity to participate in the RANZCP mentoring program
- online access to RANZCP journals Australasian Psychiatry and the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
- online access to hundreds of other journals in full-text, including the MEDLINE database
- discounted rates to the RANZCP Congress and other conferences
- receipt of the College's e-newsletter, Psyche, and other College newsletters and communications
- discounted access to PEP-WEB digital archive
- access to RANZCP e-learning modules on Learnit
- networking opportunities
- a say in the future and direction of your profession.
Who can become an Affiliate member?
There are different requirements for Affiliate membership depending on whether you are in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand.
To apply for Affiliate membership, you must:
- hold either an overseas specialist qualification in psychiatry that allows you to practice as a psychiatrist in the country where you trained, or an Australian Diploma of Psychological Medicine (DPM) qualification granted up until 1994, and
- be currently employed as a specialist psychiatrist in Australia (whether as a RANZCP Substantial Comparability candidate on the Specialist Pathway, or otherwise) OR be enrolled with the RANZCP as a Partial Comparability candidate on the Specialist Pathway.
Aotearoa New Zealand
To apply for Affiliate membership, you must:
- be either provisionally vocationally registered or vocationally registered in psychiatry, and
- be currently employed as a psychiatrist, with a current practising certificate.
How to apply for Affiliate membership
1.Complete the Affiliate Membership Application form (see below). Your application form must be signed by either two Fellows or one Fellow and one Affiliate member of the RANZCP.
Affiliate Membership Application form (Australia) [PDF; 885 KB]
Affiliate Membership Application form (Aotearoa New Zealand) [PDF; 232 KB]
2. Gather any supporting documentation as listed on the application form.
3. Submit the form and supporting documentation as per the instructions on the application form.
Your application will then be forwarded to the relevant local Branch Committee or Tu Te Akaaka Roa - New Zealand National Committee, followed by the RANZCP Board for consideration. Please allow two months for your application to be processed and to receive your letter of outcome. Along with their outcome letter successful applicants will also receive an invoice for payment of Affiliate fees. Affiliate Membership will not be activated until payment of these fees is received (if payment is not received within six months of Board approval, the application will lapse and a new application submitted if the applicant wishes to join in the future). Annual fees are payable as a condition of ongoing Affiliate membership.