Help a colleague
We all have periods in our lives that are more stressful or difficult than others, but it’s important to recognise – not only in yourself, but also in your peers – when feelings of stress or anxiety could be signs of a more serious problem. Psychiatrists have a duty to attend to the health and wellbeing of their colleagues, including trainees and students.
These options aim to help you do this.
Offer professional care
Add your details to Find a Psychiatrist if you are able to offer professional services to other doctors, psychiatrists or medical students.
Update profile information on Find a Psychiatrist
Search Find a Psychiatrist
Become a mentor
Contact if you are interested in joining the RANZCP's mentoring program.
Start a conversation
The Heads up website lists practical suggestions on how to have a conversation with a colleague you’re concerned about.
Refer to a doctors' health advisory service
Local doctors' health advisory services offer anonymous, confidential advice to the family members of doctors, or to doctors concerned about a colleague.
Visit the DRS4DRS website for local contacts in your state or territory within Australia.
Call 0800 471 2654 for advice in New Zealand.
Doctors caring for doctors online training
A DRS4DRS e-learning module that broadens understanding of doctors' own health and the health of the medical profession.
A Healthy Medical Profession - Caring for Ourselves and Our Colleagues [Create an account to access]