Child and adolescent assessments & requirements
Your assessments and requirements to complete the Certificate of Advanced Training in Child and Adolescent psychiatry are:
- eight Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), two per 6 month rotation
- one Observed Clinical Activity per 6-month rotation
- mid-rotation and end-of rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs)
- record of psychotherapy with 9 patients/dyads/groups
- final qualitative report
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
You will complete learning and development plans at the start of each year. At the end of your certificate, you will complete a checklist and sign off.
Learning and development plan
At the beginning of each year of training, you must complete a written proposal outlining your plans for learning and development.
- In Year 1, your plan is due no later than 6 weeks from the start of your training.
- In Year 2, your plan must be submitted before the training year begins.
Learning and development plan [MS Word; 317 KB]
Guidance document to ATCAP Learning and Development plans [PDF; 177 KB]
Entrustable Professional Activities
You must attain 8 Stage 3 child and adolescent psychiatry EPAs; two per 6-month FTE rotation.
EPAs 1-8 are mandatory.
EPA9: Infant mental health formulation is an optional EPA and may be completed in addition to and not in lieu of EPAs 1-8.
It is recommended that
- EPAs 1-4 are attained in year 1
- EPAs 5-8 are attained in year 2.
List of all EPAs for this Certificate [PDF; 121 KB]
Observed Clinical Activity
You must complete at least one Observed Clinical Activity (OCA) with a child, adolescent or family during each 6-month FTE rotation.
In-training Assessments
You must complete mid-rotation and end-of-rotation ITAs. You must submit an end-of-rotation ITA form via inTrain within 60 days of the completion of a rotation.
Psychotherapy experience
You must provide psychotherapy under supervision to 9 patients/dyads/families/groups for at least six sessions each. The patients should include:
- three patients under 6 years old
- three patients 6-12 years old
- three patients 13-18 years old.
The following modalities must be completed:
- three structured, manualised (e.g., CBT, IPT)
- three dynamically informed (e.g., individual, play therapy, parent-child)
- three dyadic or family/group in any model (e.g., mother-infant, family/group).
Psychotherapy form [PDF; 120 KB]
Case reflection record
Trainees are required to reflect on their recent and cumulative clinical experience each six months with the DOAT. Though there is not a mandated tool to structure this reflection and keep track of your completed cases, you may use the suggested Case Reflection Record template below.
Case reflection record form [PDF; 320kb]
Final qualitative report
Submit a final qualitative report to your DOAT.
Checklist and sign off
You must submit a checklist of all activities for the certificate via inTrain.
Checklist and sign off [PDF; 179 KB]