Entry requirements
You may apply to the Certificate of Postgraduate Training in Clinical Psychiatry if you:
- have current general or current specialist registration as a medical practitioner in Australia
- are undertaking your fifth or subsequent postgraduate year
- are working in Australia with patients who require assessment and/or care and support in relation to their mental health.
General practitioners, rural generalists, emergency medicine physicians and other medical practitioners who assess and support the mental health of their patients are eligible.
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) trainees intending to complete the ACRRM Advanced Specialist Training (AST) in Mental Health are eligible to apply to complete the Certificate concurrently with the AST.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) trainees intending to complete RACGP Rural Generalist (RG) Fellowship Additional Rural Skills Training (ARST) in Mental Health respectively are eligible to apply to complete the Certificate concurrently with the ARST.
RANZCP Fellows, current RANZCP trainees and SIMG are not eligible to apply. Those who exit training may apply for the Certificate if they meet other entry requirements and may also be eligible for recognition of prior learning.