Recognition of prior learning
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the process by which learning, skills and experiences acquired outside the Fellowship Program are evaluated for the purpose of accrediting them for RANZCP training components.
Applications must be submitted within 6 months of enrolment.
Three types of RPL may be granted:
- RPL after enrolment in the Fellowship Program
- RPL for Certificates of Advanced Training
- RPL for overseas training during a break in training.
RPL after enrolment in the Fellowship Program
In order to be eligible for RPL, any training, assessment (other than Scholarly Project) and/or work experience must have been completed within the past 8 years. An RPL application for a Scholarly Project must be based on a project completed or accepted for publication within the past 10 years.
RPL applications must be submitted no more than 6 months after the trainee commences training in the 2012 Fellowship Program.
RPL for Certificates of Advanced Training
Applicants who have undertaken training that is substantially equivalent to Certificate training may be granted exemption from a maximum of 12 months FTE of Certificate training time and particular EPAs or other elements of the Certificate of Advanced Training on a case-by-case basis.
An application for RPL against a Certificate of Advanced Training must demonstrate the achievement of all relevant competencies and must be endorsed with a SAT recommendation in order to be approved.
Overseas training while on a break
Trainees seeking to gain RPL for overseas training whilst on a break in training must:
- apply for an approved break in training
- apply for in-principle approval of the overseas training before commencing (i.e. prospective approval)
- apply for RPL on returning to the Fellowship Program.
Detailed policy and procedure
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Procedure [PDF; 83 KB].
Recognition of prior learning form [PDF; 202 KB]
RPL additional evidence page (if required) [PDF; 64 KB]