Clinical Competency Portfolio Review (from September 2026)
The Clinical Competency Portfolio Review (CCPR) assessment is a holistic and programmatic approach that evaluates a candidate’s competence through multiple assessment data points over time, conducted by multiple assessors. This process determines whether the candidate meets the end of Stage 3 standards across all CanMEDs domains and relevant Fellowship competencies.
The CCPR decision on progression is based on a thorough review of end-of-rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs), Observed Clinical Activities (OCAs), and Independent Observed Clinical Activities (IOCAs), including the feedback provided in these assessments.
Structure and format
The following assessments will be included in the CCPR:
- The three most recent end-of-rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs).
- Observed Clinical Activities (OCAs).
- Independent Observed Clinical activities (IOCAs).
- Qualitative data such as supervisor feedback and narrative comments for the above assessments will also be considered.
The CCPR eligibility criteria is as follows:
Trainees | SIMGs (partially comparable only) |
Notes about IOCAs
Changes to timelines: It was previously communicated that trainees will be able to apply to sit an IOCA starting in November 2024. The Education Committee has extended the timelines for implementing IOCAs to August 2025, and the CCPR will be introduced in September 2026. The IOCAs will be launched in two phases:
- The Stage 3 IOCA will commence in August 2025
- The Stage 2 IOCA will commence in August 2026
This phased approach will support the supervisor’s burden and health services, while allowing more time for trainee transition and for IOCA’s supervisor training ensuring sufficient availability of independent assessors for the IOCA implementation.
Trainees: Trainees applying for the September 2026 CCPR will not be required to complete the Stage 2 IOCA to be eligible to apply.
Trainees who completed their Stage 2 training before the implementation of Stage 2 IOCAs in August 2026 are not required to complete the Stage 2 IOCA to be eligible to apply for CCPR later.
SIMGs: For SIMGs applying for the CCPR in September 2026, completing one Stage 3 IOCA and one Stage 3 OCA will be acceptable.
Other eligibility requirements
- All trainee and SIMG candidates must have a current medical registration.
- Trainees must have completed any required ‘Commencement of Targeted Learning’ documentation.
- SIMG candidates must be enrolled on the partial comparability pathway and have current comparability status.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about the CCPR and IOCAs.