In-Training Assessments (ITAs)
About the ITA Forms
The ITA Forms are used to assess and inform the College of the trainee's performance during the rotation.
The mid-rotation In-Training Assessment Form is a formative assessment completed mid-way through each rotation.
The end-of-rotation In-Training Assessment Form is a summative assessment completed at the completion of each rotation.
An In-Training Assessments e-module is available on Learnit to provide a better understanding of the requirements.
The ITA Form is used to inform the College of the training undertaken during the rotation, for example, in what area of practice, at full time or part time, if adequate supervision was available, etc. WBAs and EPAs are also recorded on the ITA Form to inform the College which EPAs have been entrusted by the trainee and which WBAs were used to inform them.
The ITA Form records the supervisor's assessment of the trainee's performance during the rotation and indicates whether the trainee has passed or failed the overarching summative assessment for that rotation. All OCAs completed during a rotation must be attached to the end-of-rotation ITA Form for submission to the College.
Trainees are responsible for ensuring the end-of-rotation ITA Form is fully completed, signed by the trainee’s Director of Training and received by the College Training Department within 60 days of the completion of a rotation. If the ITA Form is incomplete or is not accompanied by at least one OCA form, it will not be accepted and will be returned to the trainee.
Form types
In most cases, the ITA Forms are completed online via InTrain.
If you do not have access to InTrain, use the downloadable PDF versions below.
There is a mid-rotation and an end-of-rotation ITA Form for each stage of training. Each Certificate of Advanced Training also has specific ITA Forms for trainees and Fellows-in-training, except for the Certificate of Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies. They can be found on the requirements page for each certificate.
Stage 3 trainees enrolled in the Certificate of Advanced Training in the Psychotherapies should use the Stage 3 generalist ITA Forms.