Membership Engagement Committee
Reporting directly to the RANZCP Board, the Membership Engagement Committee provides a focal point within the RANZCP for considering and recommending policies and systems for effectively engaging with the membership, increasing the value of College membership and ensuring feedback from members is appropriately addressed.
The MEC serves as a conduit between the Board and the wider College membership, providing advice and guidance to the Board that reflects the views of the membership.
Membership Engagement Committee Regulations [PDF; 161 KB]
- Providing strategic oversight of member engagement strategies including reporting, monitoring and reviewing
- Providing strategic advice, direction and leadership broadly across the College on a range of effective member wellbeing services and support mechanisms that are relevant to members across all stages of their careers
- Improving member awareness of College activities and priorities by improving communications to the membership, collaborating with and providing advice to other Committees on specific projects and supporting orientation and new member information
- Maintaining strategic oversight of College events, including scheduling and hosting, policies and guidelines and ensuring events meet members’ needs
- Providing appropriate acknowledgement and recognition of members’ contributions and achievements through member recognition and award programs
- Ensuring College publications, especially journals, deliver value and are relevant to members
- Overseeing a range of operational membership processes.
The current Chair of the Committee is Dr Angelo Virgona.
Commitee members
Dr Choong-Siew Yong – Member Wellbeing Subcommittee Chair
Prof Neeraj Gill – Journals Committee Chair
Prof Steve Kisely – Ex-officio / 2nd Board member
Dr Ava Carter – Ex-officio / 3rd Board member
Dr Alan Altham – Fellow member
Dr Andrew Amos – Fellow member
Dr Alice Chang – Fellow member
Dr Lifeng Chen – Fellow member
A/Prof Tatjana Ewais – Fellow member
Dr Murray Patton – Fellow member
Dr Emma Crampin – Australian and New Zealand Psychiatrists with International Qualifications (ANZPIQ) representative
Dr Elise Witter – Bi-national Committee for Trainees representative
Dr Ramya Vadivel – Section of Early Career Psychiatrists representative
Dr Padmini Howpage – Section of Private Practice Psychiatry representative
Dr Siva Balaratnasingam – Co-opted member
Constituent Committees
- Awards and Recognition Committee
- Gender Equity Subcommittee
- Journals Committee
- Member Wellbeing Subcommittee
Meeting frequency
The Committee typically meet 4 times per calendar year:
- Maximum of 2 face-to-face meetings held in Melbourne (each meeting is approximately 8 hours in duration)
- 2 virtual meetings (each meeting is approximately 2 hours in duration).
A committee member will also be required to respond to emails between formal meetings.
Contact the committee via