The Asylum Seeker and Refugee Mental Health Network considers the issues faced by psychiatrists and trainees working with asylum seekers and refugees, whether in restrictive forms of detention, or living in the Australian or New Aotearoa Zealand community.
The Network Terms of Reference outline the purpose, responsibilities, membership and governance of the Network.
Key responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Network are to:
- Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge bi-nationally in relation to the mental health of asylum seekers and refugees.
- Act as an expert reference group to provide feedback to the College on relevant matters.
- Advocate for the provision of independent, high-quality, culturally sensitive mental health services for asylum seekers and refugees.
- Contribute to the development and maintenance of resources which assist and support psychiatrists working with asylum seekers and refugees.
- Recommend models of care that will improve the quality of mental health services delivered to asylum seekers and refugees.
- Promote and encourage the highest clinical and ethical standards in the delivery of mental health services to asylum seekers and refugees.
- Promote and facilitate research relevant to the mental health of asylum seekers and refugees.
- Promote further education and training of psychiatrists and trainees in relation to asylum seekers and refugees.
- Identify and promote the role of psychiatrists in the multidisciplinary approach to asylum seeker and refugee mental health, and participate in appropriate cross-sector initiatives.
- Identify, report, and manage risks in accordance with College Policy.
In discharging its responsibilities, the Network should consider:
- the role of the RANZCP in supporting members who work with asylum seekers and refugees
- confidentiality issues and peer review group access
- policy issues and advice
- potential clinical and ethical compromises psychiatrists may face when working in detention centres.
- advocacy on standards for mental health care for asylum seekers and refugees.
Facing the challenges of working in asylum seeker and refugee mental health
20 July 2020
Presenters: Dr Beth O'Connor, Dr Sue Lutton, Prof Louise Newman, Dr Jonathan Jureidini and Dr Peter Young
Chair: Dr Kym Jenkins
Medicolegal assessment and report writing for asylum seekers and refugees
11 October 2018
Presented by Dr Kym Jenkins, Prof Louise Newman, Dr Sarah Mares and Prof George Newhouse
View the e-learning module [Member login required]
Mentoring for trainees and early career psychiatrists
The Network Committee Members listed below are available to informally mentor trainees and early career psychiatrists in the area of asylum seeker and refugee mental health, in particular to develop reporting writing skills. Members can be contacted via
- Dr Kym Jenkins (VIC)
- Dr Sue Lutton (WA)
- Prof Louise Newman (VIC)
- Dr Beth O’Connor (NZ)
The activities of the Network are led by a bi-national committee, chaired by Professor Suresh Sundram.
Membership of the Network is open to all interested College members, and other interested professionals including representatives from professional, carer, or consumer organisations.
There are no fees to join the Network.
Join the Network via MyRANZCP [Member log in required]
Non-College members are eligible to join the Network following approval from the Board.