2025 RANZCP Board Appointed Director, Trainee
Call for nominations
The RANZCP welcomes nominations from Trainees for the Appointed Director, Trainee position on the RANZCP Board. The 1-year term will commence at the conclusion of the RANZCP’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 7 May 2025.
Appointed Director, Trainee
The Appointed Director, Trainee will commence from the conclusion of the RANZCP’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 7 May 2025 for a one-year term.
Potential nominees are encouraged to review the relevant governance documents prior to submitting their nomination.
Who can apply
Associate Members (Trainees) of the RANZCP
A Trainee who meets the basic requirements for a director of a company, incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001.
For further information regarding the selection criteria and desirable qualities, please refer to the Position Description - Appointed Director, Trainee. Guidance on the expectations of a Director is available here: Guidance - Role Expectations of a RANZCP Director.
Names of nominees and the Board appointment outcome will be shared with candidates and released to the RANZCP’s membership as part of the nomination process.
How to Nominate
Complete the Nomination Form and submit your application by 5:00 pm AEDT Wednesday 26 March 2025.
Your completed nomination form must be accompanied by:
CV (Resume): maximum 2 pages (Arial 11pt, in both Word and PDF formats).
Supporting Statement: maximum 1200 words (Arial 11pt, in both Word and PDF formats) outlining:
Relevant skills and experience for the role.
Suitability for the position.
Values a nominee can add to the RANZCP Board.
Other relevant information in support of a candidacy.
For privacy reasons, the CV and Supporting Statement must not include nominees date of birth and personal or referee details.
A passport style photo (a high-resolution jpg file only).
Disclosure Statement: Nominees must disclose financial interests and conflicts of interest which may conflict, or be perceived to conflict, with their potential role as a Director of the RANZCP on the prescribed template. Please download and save the Disclosure Statement prior to completion as content may be lost.
Appointment process
The Board will consider the nominations received, hold interviews with candidates (this may require shortlisting) and undertake a confidential ballot to appoint a successful candidate – which is in line with established processes.
Key dates
Nominations open: Wednesday 5 March 2025
Nominations close: Wednesday 26 March 2025, 5.00 pm AEDT
Membership notified of the nominations: Wednesday 2 April 2025
Interviews with candidates: Between 9 to 16 April 2025 (to be confirmed)
Candidates notified of the result: Thursday 24 April 2025
Results declared: Monday 28 April 2025
Appointed Director, Trainee will assume office at the conclusion of the AGM: 7 May 2025
Further information
If you have any questions regarding the Appointed Director, Trainee appointment process, please contact the Company Secretary, Callie Kalimniou via board.elections@ranzcp.org
Can I self-nominate for the Appointed Director, Trainee position?
Yes, you self-nominate for the position, but your nomination is to be supported by a Proposer and Seconder who are to be Fellows of the RANZCP. The nomination form will detail this information.
What is the appointment process?
All nominations are checked to ensure they meet the requirements. This includes ensuring candidates meet the eligibility criteria, and that submission of nomination documents are in accordance with the nomination requirements.
A small panel of the Board is convened to review nominations and interviews are scheduled. Pending number of candidates, shortlisting may occur. Following interviews, a Board Meeting is convened and this is followed by a secret ballot of the Board.
What is the position term?
The term is a maximum of two one-year terms to be determined by the Board on an annual basis.
The Appointed Director, Trainee is appointed initially for a one-year term. At the end of this term, the Board will consider and may determine to extend the trainee Director’s term for a further year.
Will I have voting rights?
As a Director of the Board, the Appointed Director, Trainee is a full voting member of the Board, and any other College committees they are a member of (excluding co-opted or observer positions).
What can I expect when I am a Board Member?
Information on what to expect when joining the RANZCP Board is available here: Guidance - Role Expectations of a RANZCP Director.
What is the time commitment for Board members?
The Board currently meets monthly, either virtually or in person (see schedule below). This doesn’t include pre-reading of papers. All Directors are also members of the Members’ Advisory Council (MAC), which meets twice per year in person and twice per year virtually.
RANZCP Board Meeting dates:
Wednesday 4 June, Virtual, 4pm – 7pm AEST
Wednesday 2 July, Virtual, 4pm – 7pm AEST
Wednesday 6 August, Virtual, 4pm – 7pm AEST
Sunday 7 September, In person, Dunedin, 9am-4pm NZST
Wednesday 15 October, Virtual, 4pm – 7pm AEDT
Sunday 16 November, In person, Melbourne, 9am-4pm AEDT
Wednesday 10 December, Virtual, 4pm – 7pm AEDT
Will I participate in any other Committees outside of the Board?
Directors are allocated to a portfolio/Board Constituent committee. In particular the Appointed Director, Trainee is the Chair of the Trainee Advisory Council (TAC).
Allocation to any other portfolio occurs in consultation with and is determined by the President, and time requirements of these groups vary according to the complexity and size of the group.
Will there be an induction process and what will this involve?
The College has an induction process for all new Board directors facilitated by Company Secretary and President and supported by a comprehensive manual.
The items covered include:
Director duties and responsibilities of the Board, legal duties and risk management
College structures
Governance basics and legal risk management
Board meetings and meeting processes
Board engagement with Committees and working with College management and staff
Will remuneration be offered for the position or professional development?
Board Director positions are not remunerated. However, costs for travel to attend Board, MAC, Constituent Committees, and other meetings or events as approved by the President and Board are covered by the College. This includes the annual RANZCP Congress and New Zealand National Conference.
Professional development is supported by the Board and all Board members are provided with training via the Australian Institute of Company Directors / Institute of Directors, New Zealand. In line with the board evaluation recommendations, professional development will also be identified and delivered to the Board as a collective.
What is the current risk management processes of the Board?
The Board is responsible for risk across the College and is managed via the Corporate Governance and Risk Committee in accordance with the RANZCP Risk Management Policy. The College has a matrix which assists in determining the risk rating and it assesses the risk appetite at the time of considering an Extreme or High rated risk. A risk appetite statement is being considered by the Board as part of the College's risk maturity.
What are the current indemnity and insurance provisions for the company?
The College holds a suite of insurance policies to support the College as an organisation and its office holders. These include:
Professional indemnity
Management liability
ISR- Industrial and Special Risks insurance
Liability, Equipment and Property
Voluntary worker
Cyber insurance
Details are made available at the induction and the Board is provided with annual reporting during the renewal period.