Writtens Examinations Subcommittee
The Writtens Examinations Subcommittee administers the Multiple Choice Question, Modified Essay Question and Critical Essay Question examinations for psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand.
- It authors the examination content and assessment domains and determines the standard of the examination.
- It determines the standard of the examination and assesses written examination responses.
Writtens Examinations Subcommittee Regulations [PDF;178 KB]
The Subcommittee relies on its members’ valuable contribution to uphold high standards in written psychiatry examinations. Members are invited to nominate to join this Subcommittee.
Members’ key responsibilities include:
- Participate in question writing and review activities, which are conducted on an on-going basis throughout the year.
- Attend the Writtens Examinations Subcommittee annual two day Question Writing Workshop (usually held in the month of November).
- Mark examination papers. Members are expected to mark scripts on a regular basis as determined by the Chair, Writtens Examinations Subcommittee (usually twice a year).
- Meet strict deadlines in all writing, marking and review activities.
- Provide feedback on the examination process and overall candidate performance to assist the Committee for Examinations in writing the examination report following each examination.
- Attend and participate in standard setting and calibration exercises for written and clinical examinations as required by the Committee for Examinations.
- Any other examination related responsibility as specified by the Chair, Writtens Examinations Subcommittee or Chair, Committee for Examinations.
Chair Dr Sanjay Patel
Deputy Chair Dr Prachi Brahmbhatt
Term of office
Members’ term of office is for 2 x 3 year terms.
Meeting frequency
The Writtens Examinations Subcommittee meet 4 times per calendar year, usually in the months of February, April, July and October. It also holds a question writing workshop in the month of November. Videoconference meetings may be scheduled as and when required and the duration of these meetings (should they occur) will vary.