2025 RANZCP President-Elect Election - Voting is Open
Voting to elect the President-Elect position on the RANZCP Board is open.
Voting closes at 5.00 pm AEDT on 25 March 2025.
Election candidates
The 2025 President-Elect candidates are as follows:
- Dr Jillian Spencer
- Dr Angelo Virgona
- Associate Professor Raju Lakshmana
► View candidate profiles [Member log-in required]
Ballot information
Ballot information will be sent to College Fellows by CorpVote (the RANZCP’s election provider) which includes an Explanatory Memorandum from the Company Secretary outlining the candidate details, voting instructions, count method, closing date for voting and other relevant election details.
College Fellows with a registered email address should have received an email from CorpVote with details on how to vote, including the Voter Access Code. Those without a registered email address will receive this information via post.
If you are a Fellow of the College and have not received information from CorpVote, please contact the College via board.elections@ranzcp.org or CorpVote via support@corpvote.com.au.
The CorpVote email may be received in your spam/junk email folder and some health service email addresses may apply filters which results in the email not being received. Check your spam/junk email folder, speak with your IT team, or contact the College to provide an alternative email address.
Election campaigning
Election campaigning is underway.
The permitted campaigning methods are outlined in the Board Election Campaign Activities Policy and all campaigning must be undertaken in accordance with the Policy.
Candidates are expected to campaign within responsible, sensible limits, and to ensure a spirit of collegiality and essential fairness prevails. Campaigning is to be undertaken with member privacy in mind. The Social Media Guideline provides guidance on appropriate standards of behaviour and professionalism when using social media.
Complaints received by the RANZCP in relation to the election will be dealt with confidentially via the Company Secretary.
Voting and count methods
The voting and counting method applicable to the 2025 President-Elect election is Full Preferential.
The vote counting method is detailed in Appendix A of the Board Election Regulations, and is outlined below:
This system is used for counting the votes to elect the President-Elect (three or more candidates).
In this system, a voter is required to indicate a preference for each candidate on the ballot paper or ballot screen by using the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc, up to the number of candidates (Full Preferential).
A candidate must poll an absolute majority (i.e. in excess of 50%) of all formal votes to be elected.
If, after all first preference votes have been counted, no candidate has obtained an absolute majority of all formal votes, then the candidate with the fewest number of first preference votes is excluded (First preference votes are the number 1s). That excluded candidate's second preference votes are then distributed to the remaining candidates.
If, after that exclusion, no candidate has obtained an absolute majority of formal votes, the next remaining candidate with the fewest votes is excluded and ALL of their votes (i.e. first preference votes PLUS those votes received from the first excluded candidate) are distributed to the remaining candidates.
The above process is continued until one candidate obtains an absolute majority of formal votes and is elected.
If at any exclusion, the next available preference is for a previously excluded candidate, then that preference is disregarded and the vote is distributed to the continuing candidate for whom the next available preference is shown.
Questions regarding the voting process can be directed to Tim Jones, Returning Officer at CorpVote via support@corpvote.com.au.
Key election dates
- Voting opens: 23 February 2025
- Voting closes: 25 March 2025, 5.00 pm AEDT
Results declared: by 2 April 2025
The President-Elect will assume office at the conclusion of the AGM: 7 May 2025.