
Showing 36 - 47 of 360

28 May 2024
Become a Clinical Competency Assessment – Modified Portfolio Review assessor

Seeking expressions of interest from Fellows for the Clinical Competency Assessment – Modified Portf...

28 May 2024
NT Branch Travelling Scholar with Professor Murray Esler

Professor Esler will be visiting Alice Springs and Darwin from 24–26 July 2024 for a packed program.

27 May 2024
New RANZCP Board announced for 2024-2025

The RANZCP is pleased to announce the outcome of the recent Elected Director election and Appointed ...

27 May 2024
Interview recruitment for study on long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy

Share your experience of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy treatment for mood disorders.

24 May 2024
Accreditation of the WA Fellowship program

The RANZCP Board has received and approved the report of the review of governance of the WA Fellowsh...

22 May 2024
Mental health groups call for urgent investment in open letter to Minister

An alliance of mental health organisations is urging the NZ Minister for Mental Health, Matt Doocey ...

21 May 2024
The Medical Board of Australia is reminding all doctors about enrolment in a CPD Home

Australian members may have received an email from the Medical Board of Australia reminding them abo...

17 May 2024
Updated College guidance on the administration of rTMS

The Professional Practice Guideline on repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) reflects ...

17 May 2024
The Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare guideline launched

Psychotropic Medicines in Cognitive Disability or Impairment Clinical Care Standard

16 May 2024
College statement regarding Congress

Our Congress offers all members the opportunity to present on clinical topics.

14 May 2024
Crucial investment in mental health workforce missing in today’s budget

Despite hopes for significant funding to bolster Australia’s mental health workforce, psychiatrists ...

14 May 2024
Funding for mental health missing in today’s budget, say Territory psychiatrists.

Psychiatrists in the Territory say today’s budget does not go far enough to address the dire mental ...