Update on confidentiality of Mood Disorders Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Evidence Review

Members are reminded that the Mood Disorders Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Evidence Review Final Report, prepared by the Anna Freud Centre on behalf of the College, as released on the members’ section of the College website on 21 November 2024 remains confidential to members. 

As communicated at the time, the review, marked as confidential, was made available to ‘members only’ to support submission of the review to an academic journal. This was to allow for independent peer review and to avoid any disputes with publication of commissioned material in advance that may impact on any journal’s decision to accept the review.

We ask that members respect of the confidential nature of the provision of the report and do not release any content that is not already available in the public domain. This will allow the methodology and findings to be independently considered by those who do not currently have access to the confidential report and prevent independent peer review potentially being influenced by already published material. 

Members who wish to participate in ongoing conversation and engagement about this report are expected to adhere to the values of the College, which are respect, collaborate, excellence and action, and do so in a professional, ethical and respectful manner.

The College has published a summary of the findings of the review, prepared by the Anna Freud Centre, which is publicly available on our website via our Mood Disorders Hub. The Mood Disorders Hub further includes publicly available Frequently Asked Questions about the report.  

For further information please contact policy@ranzcp.org.


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