Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP posts)
The Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP) program is an Australian Government initiative aimed at increasing the number of psychiatry trainees and specialists in rural and regional areas.
Training posts funded in the IRTP program differ from the Specialist Training Program (STP) posts as the funding ‘follows’ the trainee through multiple rotations at a health service.
Health services are responsible for liaising with their Branch Training Committee (BTC) to ensure each rotation is appropriately accredited.
The IRTP Program is governed through the STP Operational Framework.
Funding for IRTP posts
The 2024 salary contribution for an IRTP post is $155,615.45 (ex. GST) per 1 FTE post per year.
This is an inclusive amount provided for the purposes of trainee salary support, rural support including education and relocation costs, and for private setting costs associated with minor infrastructure and supervision as previously made available under STP Posts for rural loading and private settings.
The following Guidelines are available to assist use of funding:
Rural Loading [PDF; 135 KB]
Private Infrastructure and Clinical Supervision Allowance (PICS) [PDF; 147 KB]
Reporting requirements
All providers of IRTP posts must complete and submit a Progress Report twice a year, along with an invoice for the eligible funds identified in the communications following approval of your report.
IRTP Progress Report
Rotation 1 IRTP Progress Reports close on 20 August with Rotation 2 IRTP Reports closing on 20 February of each respective training year.
Reports are available through our online portal with access provided to a nominated user for each health service. Communications regarding reporting will be undertaken directly with the nominated user.
Please note that:
- a report is to be submitted even if a post has been or will be vacant.
- information regarding the locations a trainee has delivered services or undertaken training must be included
- reports and invoices must be completed prior to the closing date of each rotation i.e. 20 August / 20 February, respectively
- payment terms are 30 days (subject to full completion of reporting requirements). Incomplete information will delay payment.
- until we have received all outstanding reports and invoices you will be unable to claim for the next funding instalment.
Overdue Progress Reports
If you are unsure of your current reporting status please contact the STP Team at or on 1800 337 448 (select option 5).
Final Report
The Final Report will cover the entire project period.
Eligibility to work in an IRTP post
Trainees who are eligible to be in an IRTP post:
- Trainees registered with a RANZCP Fellowship training program.
- Trainees must show a commitment to completing the entirety of their specialist training in an MM 2-7 area, preferably within the region or health service the post is based in. Consideration should be given to whether the trainee has an interest in the advanced training options in the region.
- The health service must have a high level of confidence the trainee will complete a target of 75% (minimum 66%) of their Fellowship training within an MM 2-7 area.
- Posts which repeatedly fail to satisfy the 60% minimum will be subject to review by the RANZCP and funding may be withdrawn.
Trainees who are not eligible to be placed into an IRTP post:
- Specialist International Medical Graduates on either the partially comparable pathway or the substantially comparable pathway to RANZCP Fellowship.
- Overseas trainees seeking or undertaking Specialist Specified training.
IRTP training post directory
Current IRTP posts are listed in the RANZCP's IRTP training post directory [member sign-in required].