Flexible Approach to Training in Expanded Settings (FATES)
Rural Director of Training (Rural DoT)
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry (RANZCP) launched a visionary strategic document - Rural Psychiatry Roadmap 2021-31: A pathway to equitable and sustainable rural mental health services.
The roadmap emphasises building the rural psychiatry workforce with the development of a dedicated Rural Psychiatry Training Pathway (RPTP). Its focus is on expanding opportunities for aspiring psychiatrists to live, train and practice rurally. This will see the establishment of dedicated and sustainable regional, rural and remote training pathways to Fellowship.
The RANZCP was successful in its application under the FATES program administered by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care for funding to assist with addressing the workforce shortage in regional, rural and remote Australia.
The RANZCP applied to invest in innovative models of supervision, increasing the training systems quality and capacity. This modelling includes supporting the roll-out of three new Rural Directors of Training (DoT) for local health jurisdictions to create a network of Rural DoTs in Australia.
Rural DoTs will collaborate with:
- the RANZCP to streamline post planning, allocation, and accreditation processes.
- the RANZCP to build capacity to expand rural training to smaller and more remote locations.
- health Services to fund new training opportunities.
- universities and regional training hubs to create connections with medical students and junior doctors interested in Psychiatry.
Rural DoTs will focus on outcomes to:
- support quality psychiatry training in rural and remote Australia
- reduce barriers and improve incentives for entering rural and remote medical practice
- improve the distribution and supply of psychiatry training in areas of undersupply to meet the needs of the community, particularly in rural and remote areas
- prioritise support for rural training.
The program is governed through the Rural Director of Training (Rural DoT) Guidelines.
Funding for Rural DoT posts
The funding is a contribution towards the cost of employing and supporting a Rural DoT up to $125,000 per annum (excluding GST) pro rata, per 0.45 FTE. The funding is available from August 2022 to August 2024.
Reporting requirements
Reports are required at the end of each rotation. Rotation 1 Reports close on 20 August with Rotation 2 Reports closing on 20 February of each respective training year.
Reports are available through our online portal with access provided to a nominated user for each post, with an example report circulated ahead of the opening.
Communications regarding reporting will be undertaken directly with the nominated user.
Please note that:
- a report is to be submitted even if a post has been or will be vacant
- reports and invoices must be completed prior to the closing date of each rotational report i.e. 20 August / 20 February, respectively
- payment terms are 30 days (subject to full completion of reporting requirements). Incomplete information will delay payment
- until we have received all outstanding reports and invoices you will be unable to claim for the next funding instalment.
309 La Trobe Street
Melbourne VIC 3000