rTMS endorsement
The RANZCP endorses training courses in Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS).
rTMS and Medicare
rTMS is now listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) for the treatment of major depressive disorder.
These MBS items can only be claimed by psychiatrists with training in rTMS. Services must be delivered by the psychiatrist or another healthcare professional on the psychiatrist’s behalf.
It is the responsibility of the psychiatrist claiming the item to ensure that the person providing the treatment is appropriately and formally trained in rTMS.
rTMS MBS item numbers, and updated FAQs [MBS website]
rTMS MBS item numbers factsheet [MBS website]
Training options
For psychiatrists, rTMS training may be either:
- Existing training and experience recognised under ‘grandparenting’ rules, available until 1 May 2022.
or - Completion of a recognised rTMS training course endorsed by the RANZCP.
Recognition of rTMS experience
rTMS training courses
Standards and criteria
Apply to have an rTMS course endorsed
Fees, application forms and process to have a training course endorsed by the RANZCP.
Email cpdhelp@ranzcp.org or call 1800 337 448 (toll free from Australia) or 0800 443 827 (toll-free from New Zealand).