Adult assessments & requirements
Your assessments and requirements to complete the Certificate of Advanced Training in Adult Psychiatry are:
- eight Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), two per 6 month rotation
- one Observed Clinical Activity per 6 month rotation if undertaking the certificate in conjunction with the Fellowship program
- mid-rotation and end-of rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs)
- record of psychotherapy with four patients
- 10 case formulations
- participation on two committees or working/planning groups.
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
You will need to complete learning and development plans each year. At the end of your certificate you will need to complete a checklist and sign off.
Learning and development plan
At the beginning of each year of training, you must complete a written proposal outlining your plans for learning and development.
Learning and development plan [MS word; 64 KB]
Entrustable Professional Activities
You must attain 8 Stage 3 adult psychiatry EPAs, two per 6-month FTE rotation.
- five EPAs are mandatory.
- three can be your choice of the remaining eligible EPAs.
If you have completed the below Stage 2 adult psychiatry EPAs, you can’t do the similar ones required for this Certificate.
- assess treatment-refractory psychiatric disorders
- physical comorbidity
- postpartum mental illness
- psychiatric disorders in pregnancy
Instead, you must choose from the remaining adult psychiatry EPAs.
If you are in a rotation in a different area of practice, you must attain the EPAs relevant to that area.
List of all EPAs for this Certificate [PDF; 121 KB]
In-training Assessments
You must complete mid-rotation and end-of-rotation ITAs. You must submit an end-of-rotation ITA form via inTrain within 60 days of the completion of a rotation.
Psychotherapy experience
You must treat at least 4 adults with a mental disorder to completion with a structured psychotherapy.
Structured psychotherapy requirements [PDF; 45 KB]
Structured psychotherapy form [PDF; 133 KB]
The patients treated must be different to the Psychotherapy Written Case, the Stage 3 Fellowship psychotherapy requirements or any psychotherapy-related EPAs.
Case formulations
You must complete 10 de-identified case formulations of 800-1000 words each.
Two cases covering each of the following diagnoses must be completed:
- bipolar disorder
- borderline personality disorder
- schizophrenia
- major depression
- anxiety/trauma and stressor-related/obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.
Case formulation form [PDF; 146 KB]
Committee participation
You must be involved in at least 2 administrative, quality assurance or planning committees/groups, each for a sufficient time-period to gain experience of this aspect of a psychiatrist’s role. Choice of committee or planning group should be discussed with your DOAT.
Checklist and sign off
You must submit a checklist of all activities for the certificate via inTrain.
Checklist and sign off [PDF; 667 KB]