Training and Assessment Update
The Training and Assessment Update is a snapshot overview of data and outlines the most recent numbers for:
- Enrolments
- Trainees and Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMG)
- Assessment pass rates
- New RANZCP Fellows
- Certificates of advanced training
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
- Specialist Training Program (STP) and Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP) Program.
About the data
The data for this report is taken from the College member database, and the analysis was conducted by the Education and Training Unit as part of its regular reporting of the College’s education activities.
Numbers may differ from other reports due to trainees moving zones, late form submission, withdrawals, not paying fees, being excluded or other reasons
How this monitoring is used
The Committee for Education Evaluation, Monitoring and Reporting (CEEMR) and the Education Committee (EC) review the Training and Assessment Update twice per year in their meetings. Furthermore, CEEMR undertakes a thorough review of the end-year report, culminating in the circulation of recommendations to various committees and stakeholders for ongoing data monitoring.
The Training and Assessment Update is published twice yearly (mid-year and end-year).
Report overview
The Binational Report encompasses data from across all jurisdictions.
Training and Assessment Update – Binational report
Individual jurisdictional reports provide more detailed information at the jurisdictional level, including data at the program level.
Jurisdictional reports
ACT Training and Assessment Update
NSW Training and Assessment Update
NT Training and Assessment Update
QLD Training and Assessment Update
SA Training and Assessment Update
TAS Training and Assessment Update
VIC Training and Assessment Update
WA Training and Assessment Update
New Zealand Training and Assessment Update
To request historical reports, please contact