
Showing 25 - 36 of 40

01 August 2023
Options for trainees to provide feedback

Trainees are strongly encouraged to provide feedback regarding an inadequate post so that concerns c...

10 July 2023
Stay in touch with changes to RANZCP assessments

A new hub provides access to documents and decisions made about changes to RANZCP assessments.

06 June 2023
Program of Assessments: Update

The future program of assessments was discussed at the 28 April Assessments Stakeholder Forum.

06 June 2023
Pre-Fellowship Audits - Checking your training record leading up to Fellowship

Regular checking of your training report (pdf, via InTrain) is always recommended, especially as you...

06 June 2023
RANZCP Fellowship Program Exit Survey

The RANZCP Fellowship Program Exit Survey is delivered online each month to all Trainees and SIMGs o...

06 June 2023
CEQ and MEQ 22 August 2023 applications

Candidates applying for the 22 August 2023 CEQ and MEQ Examination will be directed to InTrain to co...

06 June 2023
September 2023 MCQ examination applications

Candidates applying for the upcoming September 2023 MCQ Examination must complete and submit applica...

25 May 2023
ACER appointed to review CEQ and MEQ examinations
12 May 2023
2023 RANZCP Board Appointed Director, Trainee – Appointment

Dr Ava Carter is the new Appointed Director, Trainee on the RANZCP Board.

09 May 2023
Training news May 2023
26 April 2023
A new approach to training fees

In 2023, training fees will be more closely aligned with the months of training accrued across the y...

03 April 2023
College granted accreditation for 4 years subject to monitoring requirements

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) has granted accreditation to the RANZCP for four years until 31...