Winners of 2024 PIF Essay Competitions

The RANZCP’s Psychiatry Interest Forum (PIF) held its popular annual essay competition in 2024 for PIF members who are medical students and junior doctors (postgraduate year 1/2).

Two parallel competitions were run for eligible Australia and New Zealand PIF members, exploring and discussing an essay topic, in 1000 - 1500 words.

The 2024 essay topic: 'Addressing equity in psychiatric care’.

Including but not limited to improving mental health care of culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, and in rural and remote areas.  

Australia's winners

First place

Dr Katrina Valciukas

PGY1, Western Health Hospital, Victoria

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Second place

Dr Allen Huang 

PGY1, Central Adelaide Local Health Network, South Australia

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Joint third place

Dr Alexander Diaz

PGY2, The Melbourne Clinic, Victoria

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Joint third place

Dr Michael Hooper

PGY2, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Western Australia

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Reflections from the competition winner, Dr Katrina Valciukas

'Despite having recurrent nightmares of my year 12 final English exam to this day, I was genuinely shocked to receive the news that I had won the 2024 PIF Essay competition. I enjoyed participating in the competition as it helped me reflect on my own experiences in psychiatry and broaden my understanding of the system through the research leading up to the essay. I credit my passion and knowledge for psychiatry from working in the Adult Mental Health Rehab Unit in Western Hospital and learning the differences that can be made in the lives of those suffering from chronic mental illness. I’m not sure where my journey in psychiatry will lead me but I often fantasise about training my own psychiatry therapy dog and cannot picture any other field in medicine that could be more rewarding.' 

New Zealand winners

First place

Miss Yuhan Chi

Trainee Intern 6th year medical student, University of Otago, Christchurch 

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Second place

Miss Charlotte Blakey

4th year Medical Student, University of Auckland

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Third place

Miss Margaret Su

3rd year Medical Student, University of Auckland

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Reflections from the competition winner, Miss Yuhan Chi

“I am a final-year medical student at the University of Otago, based in Christchurch, with a strong interest in psychiatry, particularly in health equity and culturally responsive care. At this stage, I am especially drawn to consultation-liaison psychiatry, where the intersection of mental and physical health plays a crucial role in patient outcomes. Winning first prize for my essay on psychiatric equity in Aotearoa is an incredible honour, and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation. I am passionate about making mental health care inclusive, accessible, and reflective of our communities’ diverse needs, and I look forward to furthering my knowledge and advocacy in this field with the invaluable support of the Psychiatry Interest Forum.”

The PIF team would like to acknowledge the PIF Advisory Group for assisting to develop the competition topic, as well as marking the essays.


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