Leave a legacy
A gift in your Will is your legacy. It is your resolve to make a positive difference and make the world a better place.
Psychiatrists are uniquely placed to lead improvements in the mental health of our communities, but research to drive better care, treatment and prevention takes time and money. Grants make this possible. Similarly, scholarships nurture great potential and create new possibilities for the next generation.
A gift in your Will - or a gift in your life - is a wonderful way you can make a lasting difference and give back.
To leave a gift in your Will follow three easy steps.
- Decide on your gift
After considering your family's and loved ones' needs, think about what you want your legacy to be and if you want your gift to go toward something specific.
Leaving a planned gift is a very personal decision. Whether you would like to establish a fund in your name, in the name of a loved one, or leave your gift anonymously, we would be pleased to discuss your preferences with you. - Make or update your Will
We recommend seeking legal advice when creating or updating your Will.
If you need a solicitor, the law society of your state or territory can refer you to one.
Here is an example of the type of language that may be suitable to give a gift in your Will:
“I bequeath the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists of 309 La Trobe Street, Melbourne 3000 (ABN 68 000 439 047) the sum of ______________ dollars {or the percentage of the residual estate}, to be applied for purposes that it shall determine, and this bequest will be free from all duties.
The receipt of this bequest by any authorised officer of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists shall form valid discharge to my executor." - Notify your loved ones
Discuss your decision with your family and loved ones, as this will help ensure they understand your reasons for your gifts.
Contact us
The RANZCP Foundation is grateful to receive bequests for general or special research purposes.
If you have included a gift in your Will to the RANZCP, or if you are considering including a gift in your Will – you are invited to discuss terms and conditions with the RANZCP Foundation to ensure your proposed gifts will be applied in a way most suited to your wishes. Your privacy will be fully respected, and any information you give us will remain confidential.
Contact a RANZCP Foundation executive to discuss how we can support you.
T +61 3 9640 0646
E foundation@ranzcp.org