Recognising the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The College's position statement describes Te Tiriti within the context of improving hauora Māori (Māori health), and the steps the College is taking to meet its responsibilities under Te Tiriti.

RANZCP Position Statement: Recognising the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Te Tiriti o Waitangi in action

The College is committed to ensuring all New Zealand-based committees work to the double-pronged goal of improved outcomes for Māori:

  • reducing the mental health inequities experienced by Māori in Aotearoa
  • increasing Māori recruitment into the psychiatry workforce. 

The RANZCP recognises that cultural safety is integral to achieving these aims and, in turn, training in te ao Māori, te reo, and tikanga is fundamental to achieving cultural safety. It is important all Members integrate into their daily practise, a robust understanding of the role of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Te Kaunihera, the RANZCP Committee solely focused on Māori health and wellbeing, works alongside the Tu Te Akaaka Roa in these efforts. Supported by staff in Melbourne with input from the  Tu Te Akaaka Roa - NZ National Office, Te Kaunihera, also benefits from the experience, wisdom and leadership of Kaumātua, Ms Moe Milne. Ms Milne is a member of both Te Kaunihera and Tu Te Akaaka Roa.

Te Kaunihera and all the Committees in Aotearoa demonstrate their commitment to Māori and to upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi through their mahi. Examples include endeavouring to shape the terms of reference in a government sponsored review, advising the development or implementation of legislation/policy to ensure Māori views are reflected, and providing direction on standards.

Some specific examples include:

Te Reo Māori Guide

The RANZCP recognises the importance of respecting Māori culture, in particular the Māori language. The College is increasingly using Te Reo in communications. 

To assist staff and members, we have created a useful guide 'Glossary of Commonly Used Words in Te Reo Māori' - that explains words and phrases often used at the College. 

The guide also contains a section with further resources and courses you can access to learn more Te Reo Māori.

If in doubt, please contact us at the Tu Te Akaaka Roa - New Zealand National Office, to check the meaning of words and phrases in Te Reo Māori.