The Faculty of Consultation–Liaison Psychiatry (FCLP) is a RANZCP group that promotes the highest standards in clinical practice, training and research pertaining to consultation–liaison psychiatry.
Consultation–liaison psychiatry
Consultation–liaison psychiatry is a psychiatric subspecialty focusing on the practice of psychiatry in collaboration with a range of other health professionals, usually in a hospital setting.
The Faculty aims to:
- promote the objectives of the College relating to consultation–liaison psychiatry
- advise on training in consultation–liaison psychiatry through the subcommittee of advanced training
- advance and disseminate research in consultation–liaison psychiatry
- contribute to and promote the highest standards of clinical practice and service development.
Current committee members
The current committee can be contacted through
The chair of the FCLP bi-national committee is Dr Paul Vroegop.
The Bi-national Faculty Committee's Regulations outline the purpose and responsibilities of the FCLP Committee.
All members of the College (including trainees and Affiliates) are eligible to join the Faculty.
Join the Faculty via My RANZCP [Member login required]
Accredited membership is available for members of the College who have completed the relevant Certificate of Advanced Training, or have equivalent experience in the field. The accredited membership criteria policy [PDF; 48 KB] outlines the pathways to receiving accredited membership.
For further information or to apply for accredited membership of the Faculty, please email
Certificates of Advanced Training
The Certificate of Advanced Training in Consultation–Liaison Psychiatry is the premier training program in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in consultation–liaison psychiatry.
Policy development
The Faculty contributes to RANZCP position statements and is involved in consultations on behalf of the College.