PIF Australia essay competition
Held annually, the PIF Essay Competition allows eligible PIF members to explore and discuss a specified topic on psychiatry and/or mental health through a written essay.
Essay entries are limited to 1000-1500 words and judged by an assessment panel of RANZCP members according to clarity of expression and logical presentation of argument, along with demonstrated evidence and originality.
The winning essay receives A$1000 and is published in Australasian Psychiatry, with second and third place receiving A$500 and A$250 respectively.
2024 winning essays
Topic: 'Addressing equity in psychiatric care' including but not limited to, improving mental health care of culturally and linguistically diverse individuals, and in rural and remote areas.
First place: Dr Katrina Valciukas
Second place: Dr Allen Huang
Joint Third place: Dr Alexander Diaz
Joint Third place: Dr Michael Hooper
Previous Winners
2023 winning essays
Topic: A psychiatrist's role in advocacy?
First place: Yagiz Aksoy
Second place: Kealey Griffiths
Third place: Taneka Tezak
2022 winning essays
Topic: What is the role of psychiatry in recovery from severe trauma?
First place: Georgina Digby
Second place: Toni Zhang
Third place: Angus Palfreeman
For any enquiries, please email pif@ranzcp.org
The RANZCP has received Australian Government funding under the Psychiatry Workforce Program to deliver this activity.