Trainees' Advisory Council update July 2024

The Trainees' Advisory Council met in Brisbane (and online) on Friday 19 July. Key topics of discussion included:

  • Progress of the Trainee Engagement Strategy 
  • Expanding trainees’ understanding of the Binational Committee for Trainees’ work 
  • Private practice training and supervision models 
  • EPAs, iOCAs, and the MEQ results letter 
  • Feedback pathways for trainees regarding accreditation or supervisory concerns 
  • Challenges with psychotherapy written case supervision 
  • Updates from the trainee reps across geographic jurisdictions 

 If you would like more information on what was discussed, please contact your trainee representative directly or watch out for their next update.

Did you know? 

All trainees can read the agendas, papers and minutes of the TAC and the Binational Committee for Trainees (BCT) (member login required). 

Can you help with the next trainee orientation webinar?

The next trainee orientation webinar is on Tuesday 10 September 6-7 pm AEST. We're looking for a current advanced/stage 3 trainee speaker who would be happy to speak about 'the things I wish I knew as a first year trainee' and to share their reflections with those starting out. You would only need to speak for around 10 minutes or so.  If you're interested and available, or if you know someone who might be, please email Sam Dipnall (

Dr Ava Carter
Chair, Trainees' Advisory Council


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