Reflective practice

Contemporary CPD has an increased focus on 'reflective practice' and  the new Australian registration standard reflects this change. My CPD is being upgraded to assist members to incorporate reflection into their CPD records.

Meanwhile, these prompts may be helpful when reflecting on your CPD activities:

  • Have gaps in my practice or knowledge been addressed? What gaps remain? 
  • Did this activity involve peer review and, if so, what was the impact of that element? 
  • Were my learning goals achieved? How will I apply those to my practice? 
  • What might my next steps be?
  • What is the most important thing I learnt, or realised, from this experience?
  • How will this activity influence my practice? Or, what aspects of my existing practice were reinforced?
  • Did this activity apply to a particular CanMEDs role? How? 
  •  Have I considered cultural safety and health inequities through this activity?

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