Member release of report of Mood Disorders Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Evidence Review
21 Nov 2024
- Mood disorders
- Psychotherapy
In 2023, in response to feedback received by members, the RANZCP established a Mood Disorders Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Evidence Review Steering Group (the Steering Group), chaired by Professor Bruce Singh AM, to oversee an independent review into the evidence for long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in the treatment of mood disorders, which reported to the Board.
In October 2023 The Anna Freud Centre (AFC) was appointed by the College to conduct the review. The Steering Group has worked closely with the AFC to progress the project, and regular updates have been provided to members via the Mood Disorders Hub.
The final report from the review was considered by the Board in consultation with relevant committees and approved on 30 October 2024. The Board has approved that the findings from the review be submitted for publication in an academic journal given that they will be of significant academic interest internationally. This will allow for greater dissemination of findings, as well as highlighting the evidence gaps and allow for peer review.
Recognising significant interest from members in the review, the final report to the College from the Anna Freud Centre is now available to members, in advance of the conclusion of the journal submission process. This is to avoid any issues with pre-publication that may impact on journal decisions as to whether to accept the research for publication. Any publications arising from this process, and the final report, will subsequently be made publicly available.
Access the evidence review report, frequently asked questions about the review and previous updates at the Mood Disorders hub.
The College acknowledges and commends the collaborative nature of the project between the Steering Group, the AFC, and lived experience that has contributed to delivery of a novel and meaningful methodology using co-production. The findings from the review should be used to inform the use of LTPP in clinical practice as the most current and contemporary research.
The College emphasises its appreciation of the work that its members have contributed to the work of the Steering Group, which has been undertaken on a pro bono basis by expert and dedicated members in collaboration with researchers from the AFC, as well as the vital contributions from those with lived experience.
Sharing knowledge and experiences benefits psychiatry and, ultimately, the people who seek psychiatric care. Members who wish to participate in ongoing conversation and engagement about this report are expected to adhere to the values of the College, which are respect, collaborate, excellence and action, and do so in a professional, ethical and respectful manner.
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