Member profile: Dr Olivia Harley
24 Mar 2025
Meet Dr Olivia Harley, a Stage Two trainee working at Alfred Health. Dr Harley is also a member of the Family Violence Psychiatry Network Committee, Committee for Professional Practice and the Victoria representative on the Bi-national Committee for trainees.
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m a born and bred Melbourne girl but wandered up to Sydney to complete my medical and research degrees. After dabbling in early physician’s training, I took a leap towards psychiatry with an unaccredited year at the Alfred Hospital and haven’t looked back since. Despite an early interest in the fascinating interplay of biology and psychology that the specialty offers, it has been the human connection that has kept me so entranced.
2) What inspired you to choose a career in psychiatry?
Initially set on the path of infectious diseases, I found myself running a tertiary hospital HIV clinic and becoming frustrated at what I saw to be a narrow, medicalised approach. It felt futile to provide a simple antiretroviral to individuals in such dire circumstances of mental illness, homelessness and domestic violence. Psychiatry feels like a way in which we can truly affect change in people’s lives, change that will be tailored and lasting.
3) Tell us about the Bi-national Committee for Trainees (BCT) and your involvement with it?
The psychiatry trainee community has offered me a wonderful group of friends; as we work in the trenches together and share our experiences on the emotional roller-coaster. Getting to know my fellow trainees has made me more aware of the systemic and educational issues we all face and inspired me to try to find solutions. The BCT can only effect change if trainees step up and offer their insights and efforts. I’m very proud of the advocacy and comradery.
4) What do you find most rewarding about your roles on various College committees?
College committees are great fun, each time I come away with an invigorating sense of being part of something meaningful and of building a community. It's also a fantastic way to explore areas I’m passionate about, particularly women’s mental health and policy change. Balance is a tricky thing but I’ve found prioritisation and organization to be essential in not dropping all the balls I’m juggling. It also helps that I come away from each meeting impressed by my colleagues and inspired to make change.
5) How do you prioritise self-care with your busy schedule?
Always a tough question! I’ve found it important to have my own projects that give me a sense of perspective; particularly enjoying practicing largely terrible yoga, reading murder mystery novels voraciously and dragging friends to the theatre.
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