Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024–2026 announced

This artwork was created by Jordan Lovegrove of the Ngarrindjeri people of the lower Murray River, the Eastern Fleurieu Peninsula and the Coorong Lands. It was developed for the RANZCP Reconciliation Action Plan in the colours of the RANZCP branding and depicts neurons communicating, healthy brain function, wellbeing, and positive thought. It is reproduced with the artist’s permission.

The RANZCP is proud to deliver our new Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024–2026

The Reconciliation Action Plan acknowledges our responsibility and outlines our commitment to reconciliation by fostering environments and activities which respect the unique place that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold.

Our vision for reconciliation is that we will achieve excellence and equity in the provision of culturally safe and effective psychiatric practice for and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through our work in education and training, supervision and mentoring, as well as through policy and advocacy.

The Reconciliation Action Plan is the continuation of our commitment to increase meaningful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It identifies 20 actions and 91 deliverables across 4 focus areas (Relationships, Respect, Opportunities and Governance) to be achieved over the next two years.

The College thanks all those who have contributed to the development of our Reconciliation Action Plan, in particular the Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Committee, and the Reconciliation Action Plan Steering Group which included College members, community members and College staff.

View the Reconciliation Action Plan


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