A new approach to training fees
26 Apr 2023
Trainee news
In 2023, the College is implementing a new approach to the way training fees are calculated.
Under the new structure, training subscription fees for both Associate members and Fellows in training will be more closely aligned with the months of training they accrue over the year.
This will benefit part-time trainees, those taking breaks that don’t neatly cover a full training year, as well as those starting or finishing training mid-year.
The new approach provides a more equitable model to support our trainees, who are the present and the future of our College.
The new structure
Training fees will be calculated according to training months accrued, or anticipated to be accrued for the training year, and will be grouped into the following brackets.
Months of training accrued over the training year: fee brackets | 2023 annual fee (AUD/NZD) |
9 months or more | $1936 (full fee) |
7.00–8.99 months | $1450 |
5.00–6.99 months | $1128 |
3.00–4.99 months | $805 |
0–2.99 months | $482 |
Late payment penalty fee | $387 |
The previous distinct break-in-training fee and Fellow-in-Training administrative fee have been discontinued.
Those on an approved break in training for the full training year, and Fellows who have completed 24 FTE months of an Advanced Certificate and have other remaining requirements outstanding, now fall under Band E fee category (0–2.99 months).
2023 RANZCP Subscription and Training Fees [PDF; 222 KB]
Key dates
Fees will be issued each April, and are due by 30 June. Penalty fees will be applied to late payments. An option to pay via instalments is also available.
Help us get your fees right
Your time in training for the year is calculated from information that is recorded in InTrain. Help us get your fee category right by making sure your record for the training year is complete:
- current rotation dates and details have been entered
- part-time training and/or break-in-training applications have been submitted and approved.
Please contact your Director of Training/Advanced Training or their assistant if you need them to enter information on your behalf, or approve a part-time or break-in-training (via InTrain) application.
What if I don’t know my plans, my training load changes, or if I am admitted to Fellowship this year?
Don’t worry, should your training load or months in training vary throughout the year from what was initially projected, the College will be able to review your record and adjust your fees, if necessary.
If you need help or have any questions, contact training@ranzcp.org.
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