26 October 2022
What can a Director of Staff Wellbeing role do to reduce staff burnout and enhance wellbeing in large healthcare organisations?
With a long history of involvement in staff wellbeing projects both in Australia and internationally, Maura has been co-chairing CALHN’s Staff Wellbeing Committee providing leadership and expertise in shaping the staff wellbeing strategy for the organisation. She will discuss how this new role will oversee a range of evidence-based programs and initiatives to help to improve the health and wellbeing of all staff. This talk will cover both personal and organisational interventions that need to work in tandem to bring about change.
Meet the presenter
Dr Maura Kenny is the inaugural Director of Staff Wellbeing in CALHN, and Coordinator of the Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Programs at the Centre for the Treatment of Anxiety & Depression in SA Health. She specialises in the areas of Stress, Mood and Anxiety disorders, and has used mindfulness approaches in clinical, organisational and workplace settings.
Maura also developed a 6 week mindfulness course for healthcare professionals that is taught regularly throughout the year in SA Health and private settings, and has been taken up interstate, in the UK and across a range of university and healthcare settings in Asia.
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