5 May 2025
4.15 pm to 8.30 pm
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre2684-2690 Gold Coast Hwy,
Broadbeach QLD 4218
Organised by
In-personThe College Ceremony formally welcomes and congratulates those who have been admitted as Fellows of the College, as well as those who have achieved Certificates of Advanced Training over the course of the past year (April 2024–March 2025). The outstanding achievements of a group of our members and individuals are also recognised through the presentation of several College awards.
All those who qualify for the 2025 College Ceremony will receive a personal invitation.
Those who become a new Fellow or achieve a Certificate of Advanced Training after 31 March 2025, will be invited to the 2026 Ceremony. To allow sufficient time to plan what is a complex event, regrettably special requests to attend an earlier Ceremony are unable to be accommodated.
You can attend the College Ceremony as a stand-alone event, without Congress registration, if you wish. There is no cost for participants or their guests to attend the College Ceremony or the refreshments that follow.
If you wish to attend both Congress and the College Ceremony, you will need to register separately to both events.
This page is updated regularly, and detailed information about the Ceremony will be emailed to attendees the week before the Ceremony.
Registrations are now open.
Participant registration: 4.15 pm - 4:45 pm AEDT
Ceremony (participants): 5:00 pm–7.15 pm AEDT
Ceremony (guests): 5.30 pm–7.15 pm AEDT
Refreshments: 7.15 pm–8.30 pm AEDT
Live streaming of the College Ceremony
The College Ceremony will be streamed live from the venue, viewable to family, friends, colleagues and invitees unable to attend in person.
The stream will also be recorded and available to view on-demand.
Guest tickets
Participants are allocated up to four guests to attend the College Ceremony, but we can accommodate more if required. Please ensure you highlight the number of guests you require when you register to attend the College Ceremony.
Please note that all guests, including children, will be seated separately from College Ceremony participants in the free seating area of the hall (guest seating is unallocated). While the College Ceremony is a family-friendly event, all children will need be accompanied by an adult guardian (other than the Ceremony participant) in the guest seating area. If both yourself and your partner are being recognised at the Ceremony, and you have children, you will need to either arrange for another adult to accompany your children in the guest seating area or make alternate arrangements.
Children or babies who do not require their own seat (e.g. in a pram) are able to attend in addition to any registered guests.
Dress code
Participants of the College Ceremony should wear business attire, academic gown or traditional/cultural clothing to the Ceremony.
If you would prefer to wear an academic gown (optional), please note that the College does not lend or rent RANZCP Fellows gowns to wear during the Ceremony, however you may wish to purchase your own RANZCP Fellows Gown.
RANZCP Fellows Gown Order Form
The College does not have a graduation cap. Optional ‘RANZCP’ sashes will be provided for participants. Sashes will be available at the registration desks for the College Ceremony. Please note that the sashes have been produced specifically for the occasion of the College Ceremony and are not official College regalia.
Guests should wear smart clothing, as appropriate for a graduation ceremony.
To mark your achievement, the opportunity to access portrait photography with family and friends will be available before the Ceremony on Monday 5 May. Timing will be confirmed closer to the date.
Please note each participant is limited to four portrait photographs to ensure that everyone will have the opportunity to receive a professional photo. Whilst gowns won’t be available to borrow/rent for wearing during the Ceremony, there will be a small number of gowns available for participants to borrow and wear during the portrait sessions.
Professional photography will also be taken throughout the evening and whilst participants cross the stage. Details on how to view and download the free, high-resolution photographs will be sent to you after Congress.
Guests are permitted to take photos during the Ceremony; however, we request that the flash is turned off on your device.
A photo zone will also be available in the foyer for attendees to take their own photos against a RANZCP College Ceremony backdrop.
Cloakroom and pram parking
A cloakroom and pram parking will be available to participants and their guests throughout the Ceremony and celebratory refreshments, from 3.30 pm – 8.30 pm.
Participants will not return to the original seats after crossing the stage, it is therefore strongly recommended that you do not bring to your seat any items you don't wish to cross the stage with. Consider using the cloak room, leaving items with your guests, or wearing clothing with pockets or a small bag.
We have done our best to ensure that any accessibility requirements you may have listed during the registration process have been catered for. If you require assistance on the night, please speak with RANZCP staff upon arrival.
Stand-up drinks and canapés will be served following the conclusion of the Ceremony from approximately 7.15 pm –8.30 pm. If you have notified the organisers of any dietary requirements, please make yourself known to a venue staff member on the evening, during the reception.
The health and safety of College Ceremony attendees is our highest priority. The RANZCP is mindful of the health risks posed by COVID-19, and the importance of both adhering to best practice health and safety practices and following official medical advice with respect to social distancing, practicing good hygiene and staying at home when unwell. The RANZCP requests that any participant or guest who is feeling unwell or has cold- or flu-like symptoms, or who may have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, not attend the College Ceremony.
Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact the College on the below details.
+61 3 9640 0646 RANZCP Fellows Gown Order Form